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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does MGS4 seem so hyped up?

It's getting late where I am, I'll bumb this thread tommorow if it's off the main page list. Night everyone!




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MGS 4 is hyped because it seems like its going to be a good game .....

Your lack of knowledge of MGS 4 is the reason why you don't know the differences.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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It's definately going to be a good game. I believe MGS2 was one of the top 20 selling PS2 games, or something like that.

Anyway, the point of this topic, I believe, is why is MGS hyped as the savior of the PS3. Even if it sells 5 million copies, which I doubt, and everyone who bought a new copy bought a new PS3 to go with it, the PS3 still wouldn't be caught up with the competition.

1 game cannot make or break a company, and that is the point of this thread, I believe, because many claim that when MGS comes out, PS3 will be the sales leader in consoles.

Wrong. The fact is, MGS will help the PS3, but it might not be as much of a system seller as you think, if you indeed think it will sell 10 million consoles for Sony it won't. It might help decisions to purchase for about a million consumers worldwide.

It won't turn things around in Japan. Snake is an american, and the game is a shooter(or so the casual audience believes). It's relatively popular in Japan, compared to most of the games on the PS3, but its relatively unpopular there compared to the top selling titles on the PSP, DS, or Wii.

That said, MGS is a fantastic series. MGS 2, however, proves that Kojima can make mistakes just like everyone else, and MGS 3 proves you can rebound from those. I'm vastly excited about this game and I don't even own a PS3.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


One of the reasons the game does so well in the English speaking world, is David Hater is absolutely the best voice actor ever in a video game. He sells more copies of that game to America, than Kojima does. Who knows, maybe the Japanese VA isn't as charasmatic.

Last thing, the comparisons to Brawl. In sales? Brawl will have more legs, and eventually destroy the max sales figures of MGS4. That's about as close to a fact as an opinion can get.

That said, it doesn't make Brawl a better game. Just a more popular game worldwide, and more worthy of hype from a sales standpoint, theorettically. However, that is blown to the wind, in light of the fact that Nintendo can't produce enough Wii's, Copies of Brawl, or trucks to ship them fast enough, to even keep up with preorders for either one.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


super_etecoon said:

The PS3 crowd is by definition not casual....and it is most certainly interested in high technology and uber-graphics. This will be their pride and glory. The game they use to show that the PS3 is true next-generation.

or... could it be that they want another metal gear solid game that they haven't played yet.


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cause MGS4 is the most expensive game to develop for

__XBrawlX__ said:
Apart from four of the MGS franchises games, they havent sold that well, so why are many people saying that it will boost the PS3 in sales? (Not just the fanboys.)
"apart from the four" he says!!! LMAO!!! those are the ONLY four, genius.


Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.

__XBrawlX__ said:
Apart from four of the MGS franchises games, they havent sold that well, so why are many people saying that it will boost the PS3 in sales? (Not just the fanboys.)

 Why do fanboys question MGS ?

Or bette ryet why are they so ignorant is a better question.

Because it's suppose to be the game to show off what the PS3 is capable of graphically. MGS2 did a wonderful job of demonstrating how next gen. the PS2 was at the time.

The game is likely to sell well. However, the series has sold a bit lower the level of games like GTA, Gran Turismo, Halo and Smash Bros.

In short, the hype is fine. It's the belief that it will put the PS3 on top that is a bit off. It can happen, but it's very unlikely.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs