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One of the reasons the game does so well in the English speaking world, is David Hater is absolutely the best voice actor ever in a video game. He sells more copies of that game to America, than Kojima does. Who knows, maybe the Japanese VA isn't as charasmatic.

Last thing, the comparisons to Brawl. In sales? Brawl will have more legs, and eventually destroy the max sales figures of MGS4. That's about as close to a fact as an opinion can get.

That said, it doesn't make Brawl a better game. Just a more popular game worldwide, and more worthy of hype from a sales standpoint, theorettically. However, that is blown to the wind, in light of the fact that Nintendo can't produce enough Wii's, Copies of Brawl, or trucks to ship them fast enough, to even keep up with preorders for either one.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.