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Forums - General Discussion - Your biggest disappointments of this gen

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (finally fell for the Hype)
Spore (expected so much more, still kinda fun but a letdown saw this mentioned earlier in the thread - reminded me)
Guitar Hero 4/5 (choked to death)
Zack & Wiki (supposed to be so good, maybe I just didn't get it)
No More Heros (same as Zack & Wiki, but for obviously different reasons)
The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass (why did I have to repeat the same dungeon like 10 times?!?!)

on the flip side there are several games I've gotten hyped about that turned out to be awesome or that I didn't think would be that good and turned out to be, off the top of my head:

Xenoblade Chronicles
XCom: Enemy Within
Assassin's Creed III
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Pokemon Conquest
Pokemon White
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Monster Hunter Tri
Wii Fit (don't judge me I loved it)

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)

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In terms of pure shittiness:

-AC:R. Worst in the series by some margin, even worse than 1.

-LA Noire. Ugh.

In terms of how disappointed I was:

-MGS4. It's not as bad a game as the ones above (far from it), but after my previous experiences with MGS I expected so much more.

-GTA IV. It didn't disappoint me as much as MGS, but it was still a pretty underwhelming game.

I bought a PS3 with AC and Uncharted, and got MGS4 and GTAIV short after. It was a pretty shitty start for the gen. Thank god things improved a lot later.

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LoZ Spirit Tracks. I got it instead of Mario and Luigi 3. Big mistake. Game was a turd. How the heck can you explore an overworld using trains? THE GAME WAS LITERALLY ON RAILS. That wasn't exploration and was a step back from the smooth sailing of Phantom Hourglass. Also, main recurring temple sucked and villian was lackluster. So much copy paste from Phantom Hourglass too. Phantoms were ok, not worthy of becoming recurring gimmicks in the series though...

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

Ssenkahdavic said:

Its not the quality of the games per say, but the quantity and the quality. Feel like the entire genre just took a step backwards this gen. Without the handhelds, it would have been even worse.

No new "real" Suikoden really bums me out

Yeah, I'll take that one, as well.  One of the deepest meta-storylines in gaming with so much bloody potential, I can't believe this series was pushed to the side.  It's a travesty that it's pretty much dead.

The Zelda DS games and Donkey Kong Country Returns due to control issues (and other issues regarding Phantom Hourglass as well).

Ninja Gaiden 3.

The second game was great. The 3rd was like they wanted to piss everyone off on purpose. LOL

Diablo 3
Halo Reach's bloom/sprint/armor lock shit mp matchmaking which i loved for some reason for ages..
HAZE was an absolute abortion of a game and made me give my friends ps3 back I'd borrowed at the time, they can shove the nectar up their asses........
Assassin's Creed Revelations. What a cash in, after such an awesome game in 2 and brotherhood they release this trash? Why?!?


EDIT: Duke f'n Nukem f'n For f'n Ever. Piece of shit.