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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

I don't think this is arrogant it's aggressive marketing ripping into Other competitors strengths. They did the same thing with the Ps1 Nd PS2. They never did with the PSP/PS3/Vita so it should be interesting to see how this turns out

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Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
No doubt this isn't real. However, I'd happily play "another Mario game" if that game turns out to be as good as the Galaxy games over anything Sony does anyday.

All of this arrogance is only going to lead to a bigger fall, though.

You just said you doubt it's real and then continued to say this arrogance will be their downfall. 

Bro, do you even read?

There's two possibilites:

1- It isn't real, and the vocal PS fans will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles.

2- It is real, and Sony will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles. 


All possibilities lead to the end statement. And of course I can read. What an odd question.

im sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of nintendo selling 7 consoles last week.

theprof00 said:
Turkish said:


damn lol

Oh the glory days...what happened......

They became complacent sitting at the top for so long. Just like Nintendo before them. What goes around...etc. 

BxN said:

Conegamer said:

riderz13371 said:

Conegamer said:
No doubt this isn't real. However, I'd happily play "another Mario game" if that game turns out to be as good as the Galaxy games over anything Sony does anyday.

All of this arrogance is only going to lead to a bigger fall, though.

You just said you doubt it's real and then continued to say this arrogance will be their downfall. 
Bro, do you even read?

There's two possibilites:
1- It isn't real, and the vocal PS fans will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles.
2- It is real, and Sony will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles. 

All possibilities lead to the end statement. And of course I can read. What an odd question.

im sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of nintendo selling 7 consoles last week.

31K actually, thats 31K more than the competition (yes Nintendo officially lead the 8th gen) :)
Im a Nintendo fan, but i will predict both Ninty and Sony are gonna get our asses handed to us by Microsoft this gen. Let the battle for 2nd place commence.

If you can't beat them insult them

even if it's fanmade

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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hatmoza said:
Some may call the back-and-forths between the big three of late childish. Maybe. But I'll be a go'dang liar if I said it doesn't make for good internet.

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Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
No doubt this isn't real. However, I'd happily play "another Mario game" if that game turns out to be as good as the Galaxy games over anything Sony does anyday.

All of this arrogance is only going to lead to a bigger fall, though.

You just said you doubt it's real and then continued to say this arrogance will be their downfall. 

Bro, do you even read?

There's two possibilites:

1- It isn't real, and the vocal PS fans will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles.

2- It is real, and Sony will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles. 


All possibilities lead to the end statement. And of course I can read. What an odd question.

The real question is, do you even lift?


I am a bit offended, but I won't decide anything over a stupid fake ad. Show me the good games and I am in - as simple as that^^

pezus said:
Naum said:
If you can't beat them insult them

even if it's fanmade

Oh, they can easily beat them. Did that with PS1, PS2 and probably will with PS4. 

This is exactly how they should advertise; get the fans all geared up and get the fans of other consoles angry so they will spread the word about the announcement.

But what if the announcement underdelivers? It could easily blow up on them.


morenoingrato said:
PullusPardus said:
Honestly speaking, I was very pissed that they made "Super Luigi Brothers Wii U" , seriously? its exactly the same game, at least Super Princess Peach was unique

It's just a DLC pack, not a new retail release.

I've seen several people now drop comments in this and other threads which makes me think they missed this little point.