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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Males and Females of vgchartz: Have you ever wanted to be with someone of a different race, nationality, or body type than you?

Yes. I thought everyone has done this once or twice already!

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I already have


Been dating an Asian girl for 4 years, and I'm caucasian. Tried white girls before, not my cup of tea.


Different Blood Type? Wha???? You crazy

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Already have. It's not much different.

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Well, yes.

Also, what the hell does body type mean? Of course I've liked people with different body types! Girls got boobs.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

i'm attracted to every culture of women but black. there have been occasions where the latter wouldn't apply, but i'd prefer not to date black women.

the word race complicates things so i don't use it.

Been there done that

Race: Umm not really. Honestly I'm not saying this in a racist way, but I'm not physically attracted to black women in general. Like there are pretty ones like Halle Berry and whoever else, but I'm not into them so much. There are definitely many pretty asian women so I could get into that. But for the sake of this thread, I'll just say no, I'm mainly into white women.

Body type: hmmm not really. Like I don't care about a little extra weight, but I'm a slim guy myself so I don't really think I could truly feel attracted to a really big girl. I also don't find super muscle chicks attractive, like some muscle is awesome of course but not bodybuilder level.

Nationanlity: Yes, Australian girls are amazing, European girls are amazing, British girls are amazing, Eastern European/Russian girls are amazing....but as you can see this goes back to the race question, since I named white countries. Not really into the African, Hispanic or Asian women quite as much.

NintendoPie said:
Yes. I thought everyone has done this once or twice already!

o.0 you're too young to be thinking that. Go to your room.