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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony console sales 2007

Linkzmax said:
CrazzyMan said:

The difference 160k.

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Dec 2006 to 31st Dec 2006:



VGChartz Hardware data for the period 31st Dec 2006 to 07th Jan 2007:



Try again? =)

I still have no idea what you're trying to show. Again you're including the week ending 31st Dec 2006 twice.


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 31st Dec 2006 to 31st Dec 2006:


That would explain for your differences in the first table. The second table merely shows that the 3rd week(the week after the common week) had less sales than the first week(the week before the common week).


Around the Network
Gnizmo said:
dbot said:
dschumm said:
I always find this arguement frustrating. The PS2 and PS3 don't exist in bubbles serperate from each other. Same as the Wii and PS3. Wether you like to believe it or not some people have purchased the Wii and because of the have delayed or canceled plans to buy a PS3. Same with PS2. Some people who went to the store specifically chose to get a PS2 instead of a PS3 and now are probably not buying a PS3 any time soon. I think that huge PS2 sales are HURTING Sony not helping.

I would make the arguement that the portables are competing with the PS3 as well to some extent(see Japan). But I am not going to waste anyone's time convincing them of that.

Most PS2 consumers are either replacing a broken PS2 or are late generation purchasers, who wont be selecting a system until long after the war is over. They will wait unitil the one of the wii/ps3/360 is under $150 and has the lion's share of the games produced.

Stop repeating Sony's talking points. I agree that Sony had a better year than people wanted to give them credit for but 2007 proved that last generation's influence isn't going to decide anything.

I am not aware that I am repeating any "talking points".  I have been hesitant to post on this site because it seems as though any pro-sony or pro-ms comments are immediately dismissed as being "fan-boys".  I assure you that I am not a fan-boy. 

Personally, I think the Wii's sales should be compared solely to the PS2's sales (standard definition and sub $300) and the 360 to the PS3 (high definition and higher price points). 



Why on earth would you not compare two competing products? The higher price point does not put the other consoles in a different market. If it did we would compare 360 Core sales to 360 Premium. I would bet your average consumer does not want to buy more than one game console in a generation. As a result any console sold by your competitor can be viewed as a bad thing for all competing consoles.
I think the Wii appeals to a different market segment.  IMO, someone considering a PS3 or 360 is not considering a Wii.  I view a Wii sale as a lost PS2 sale not as a lost PS3/360 sale.  Consoles should be compared by class and that is defined by features and price point.  If you look at the features of the Wii, they are closer to the PS2 than they are to the 360/PS3.   This is the same reason I did not include the PSP and DS in my original post.
The purpose of my original post was to point out that Sony did a good job in selling consoles in 2007 compared to the competition.  Sony is not tied to the success of one console at the moment, unlike their competitors.  They are trying to maintain sales of the PS2 and grow a new product line.   
To simply say Sony sucks based on the number of PS3s sold is short sighted and an incorrect thought.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



dbot said:
Gnizmo said:
dbot said:
dschumm said:
I always find this arguement frustrating. The PS2 and PS3 don't exist in bubbles serperate from each other. Same as the Wii and PS3. Wether you like to believe it or not some people have purchased the Wii and because of the have delayed or canceled plans to buy a PS3. Same with PS2. Some people who went to the store specifically chose to get a PS2 instead of a PS3 and now are probably not buying a PS3 any time soon. I think that huge PS2 sales are HURTING Sony not helping.

I would make the arguement that the portables are competing with the PS3 as well to some extent(see Japan). But I am not going to waste anyone's time convincing them of that.

Most PS2 consumers are either replacing a broken PS2 or are late generation purchasers, who wont be selecting a system until long after the war is over. They will wait unitil the one of the wii/ps3/360 is under $150 and has the lion's share of the games produced.

Stop repeating Sony's talking points. I agree that Sony had a better year than people wanted to give them credit for but 2007 proved that last generation's influence isn't going to decide anything.

I am not aware that I am repeating any "talking points".  I have been hesitant to post on this site because it seems as though any pro-sony or pro-ms comments are immediately dismissed as being "fan-boys".  I assure you that I am not a fan-boy. 

Personally, I think the Wii's sales should be compared solely to the PS2's sales (standard definition and sub $300) and the 360 to the PS3 (high definition and higher price points). 



Why on earth would you not compare two competing products? The higher price point does not put the other consoles in a different market. If it did we would compare 360 Core sales to 360 Premium. I would bet your average consumer does not want to buy more than one game console in a generation. As a result any console sold by your competitor can be viewed as a bad thing for all competing consoles.
I think the Wii appeals to a different market segment.  IMO, someone considering a PS3 or 360 is not considering a Wii.  I view a Wii sale as a lost PS2 sale not as a lost PS3/360 sale.  Consoles should be compared by class and that is defined by features and price point.  If you look at the features of the Wii, they are closer to the PS2 than they are to the 360/PS3.   This is the same reason I did not include the PSP and DS in my original post.
The purpose of my original post was to point out that Sony did a good job in selling consoles in 2007 compared to the competition.  Sony is not tied to the success of one console at the moment, unlike their competitors.  They are trying to maintain sales of the PS2 and grow a new product line.   
To simply say Sony sucks based on the number of PS3s sold is short sighted and an incorrect thought.

 That simply is not the case though. All 3 are video game machines, and thus all three are competing for sales. You wouldn't but a SDTV and a HDTV together would you? Almost certainly not. While the two offer different features, they are the same type of product. Just because one has extra features and costs more does not mean it is a different market. It just means it has extra features and costs more.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

2 against 1 isnt really a fair comparison what if you add DS and see who sold the most systems

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Crazzy WTH was that?... first of all you are counting 1 week twice, but the numbers you put below [16mil and "9mil" in bold] don't seem to relate to anything at all... and I have no idea what those other numbers were in your second post.
Please explain yourself.

@OP, Generally people stick to a single generation of consoles, that's just how it is, PS2 is from 6th gen, the rest are not.

If you were to compare companies in terms of sales then fine, PS2 should, and is included a lot of the time on this site... but most conversations revolve around 7th gen home consoles, of which the PS2 has no part.
The NES sold 30,000 units in 2003, but that doesn't put it in the 6th generation of consoles.

Around the Network
Gnizmo said:
dbot said:
Gnizmo said:
dbot said:
dschumm said:

I think the Wii appeals to a different market segment. IMO, someone considering a PS3 or 360 is not considering a Wii. I view a Wii sale as a lost PS2 sale not as a lost PS3/360 sale. Consoles should be compared by class and that is defined by features and price point. If you look at the features of the Wii, they are closer to the PS2 than they are to the 360/PS3. This is the same reason I did not include the PSP and DS in my original post.
The purpose of my original post was to point out that Sony did a good job in selling consoles in 2007 compared to the competition. Sony is not tied to the success of one console at the moment, unlike their competitors. They are trying to maintain sales of the PS2 and grow a new product line.
To simply say Sony sucks based on the number of PS3s sold is short sighted and an incorrect thought.

That simply is not the case though. All 3 are video game machines, and thus all three are competing for sales. You wouldn't but a SDTV and a HDTV together would you? Almost certainly not. While the two offer different features, they are the same type of product. Just because one has extra features and costs more does not mean it is a different market. It just means it has extra features and costs more.

Logic wins again. +1 for logic.

@CrazzyMan: One day I will teach you how to use the graphs on this site. You (and everyone else) must be so VERY careful when you use the charts. I really hate seeing data thrown up that is used incorrectly or is found incorrectly.

@TWRoO, wait, the NES isn't part of the 6th gen? I was hoping to become part of the 6th gen revolution everyone is talking about. Between that and Y2K bug, it should be a fun year. (note sarcasim)

^Lol... Y2K destroyed my house and ate my dog.

And I am constantly having to correct people about tables and charts all using "week ending" dates... it probably doesn't help that ioi doesn't seem to have a standard day for them to finish... e.g the tables might say week ending 12th, but the graphs say 14th and the weekly charts use 12th/13th.
There may be no hope for Crazzy though, he doesn't seem to explain what the numbers he posts are, or what they are from.

dbot said:
Gnizmo said:
dbot said:
dschumm said:
I always find this arguement frustrating. The PS2 and PS3 don't exist in bubbles serperate from each other. Same as the Wii and PS3. Wether you like to believe it or not some people have purchased the Wii and because of the have delayed or canceled plans to buy a PS3. Same with PS2. Some people who went to the store specifically chose to get a PS2 instead of a PS3 and now are probably not buying a PS3 any time soon. I think that huge PS2 sales are HURTING Sony not helping.

I would make the arguement that the portables are competing with the PS3 as well to some extent(see Japan). But I am not going to waste anyone's time convincing them of that.

Most PS2 consumers are either replacing a broken PS2 or are late generation purchasers, who wont be selecting a system until long after the war is over. They will wait unitil the one of the wii/ps3/360 is under $150 and has the lion's share of the games produced.

Stop repeating Sony's talking points. I agree that Sony had a better year than people wanted to give them credit for but 2007 proved that last generation's influence isn't going to decide anything.

I am not aware that I am repeating any "talking points". I have been hesitant to post on this site because it seems as though any pro-sony or pro-ms comments are immediately dismissed as being "fan-boys". I assure you that I am not a fan-boy.

Personally, I think the Wii's sales should be compared solely to the PS2's sales (standard definition and sub $300) and the 360 to the PS3 (high definition and higher price points).



Why on earth would you not compare two competing products? The higher price point does not put the other consoles in a different market. If it did we would compare 360 Core sales to 360 Premium. I would bet your average consumer does not want to buy more than one game console in a generation. As a result any console sold by your competitor can be viewed as a bad thing for all competing consoles.
I think the Wii appeals to a different market segment. IMO, someone considering a PS3 or 360 is not considering a Wii. I view a Wii sale as a lost PS2 sale not as a lost PS3/360 sale. Consoles should be compared by class and that is defined by features and price point. If you look at the features of the Wii, they are closer to the PS2 than they are to the 360/PS3. This is the same reason I did not include the PSP and DS in my original post.
The purpose of my original post was to point out that Sony did a good job in selling consoles in 2007 compared to the competition. Sony is not tied to the success of one console at the moment, unlike their competitors. They are trying to maintain sales of the PS2 and grow a new product line.
To simply say Sony sucks based on the number of PS3s sold is short sighted and an incorrect thought.

 Last generation I bought a PS2 at launch. I bought a Gamecube when it dropped to $99. The reason. I liked the games and features on the PS2, I also needed a dvd player. Also the Gamecube was too much like the n64 in my opinion, so I waited.

This generation I thought the Wii had more features and games I wanted. The PS3 had a high price with games coming later. So I bought a Wii at launch , and will buy a PS3 when it is $199 and I can get FFXIII. Had the Wii really been a gamecube 2 I would probably have purchased the PS3 already. I know I am just one person but I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.

If you think the 360 is the only compitition for the PS3 , are you assuming Sony would be happy that those 80 million casual gamers who bought a PS2 not  get a PS3?

As for  $129  being so much closer to $249 than $399 that is a strech. If you wanted to say PS2 vs. DS becasue they are both established and  same price I might give that too you.

I too think people have been too hard on Sony. I myself proclaimed that they were finsihed the middle of last year but now I am seeing enough life to believe that the market can support 3 consoles and the PS3 has a solid chance of passing the 360.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt

He's showing (unintentionally) that the wording on vgchartz is stupid in that regard. Are you seriously trying to claim that "31st Dec 2006 to 31st Dec 2006" is a period of 7 days? That would be one day.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

@reverie... it specifically states "week ending" on the comparison tables... it works like that because we get weekly data, so there is a single date to go with each week.