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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Clear up confusion on what makes Next-Generation

JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

How is giving you quotes by the EA CEO and DF team a "random claim"? *facepalm*
See. Told you you'd embarress yourself.

Haha yes the embarrassment is with me when everybody is laughing at you lol

Let me ask you a question.  Do you think Apple or consoles are better for living room gaming?  Real question.

Everyone is laughing at me for believing the experts?


I would call what I'm doing common sense, but hey, be a rebel - go against the experts if you want to....

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Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

How is giving you quotes by the EA CEO and DF team a "random claim"? *facepalm*
See. Told you you'd embarress yourself.

Haha yes the embarrassment is with me when everybody is laughing at you lol

Let me ask you a question.  Do you think Apple or consoles are better for living room gaming?  Real question.

Everyone is laughing at me for believing the experts?


I see you ignored my question.  Gabe Newell thinks Apple.  Does that make him right?  No it is his opinion.  He also use to say a lot of things about the PS3 that was bad.  Activision as well at one point said that they was going to stop publishing to the ps3 etc.  The thing you are not understanding is that they are one person with opinions just like you and me.  Not experts on opinions.  Many of them are gamers and are all one person, not a group.  There is 230m consoles sold in the 7th generation and thousands and thousands of developers and publishers out there.  You hear 2 people and claim that it is everybody and it is true, but you havent heard from the other thousands of developers and publishers, and millions of gamers.  Michael Pachter is an expert as well, not a developer, ppublisher, or CEO, but an analysis expert and he is wrong a lot.  It is because he places opinions just like everybody else in this world.


JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

Everyone is laughing at me for believing the experts?


I see you ignored my question.  Gabe Newell thinks Apple.  Does that make him right?  No it is his opinion.  He also use to say a lot of things about the PS3 that was bad.  Activision as well at one point said that they was going to stop publishing to the ps3 etc.  The thing you are not understanding is that they are one person with opinions just like you and me.  Not experts on opinions.  Many of them are gamers and are all one person, not a group.  There is 230m consoles sold in the 7th generation and thousands and thousands of developers and publishers out there.  You hear 2 people and claim that it is everybody and it is true, but you havent heard from the other thousands of developers and publishers, and millions of gamers.  Michael Pachter is an expert as well, not a developer, ppublisher, or CEO, but an analysis expert and he is wrong a lot.  It is because he places opinions just like everybody else in this world.

I don't care what you think about consoles. I care what experts have to say. You are not educated in the required field to have an opinion that supersedes experts. You're some some random guy on a random forum. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

Everyone is laughing at me for believing the experts?


I see you ignored my question.  Gabe Newell thinks Apple.  Does that make him right?  No it is his opinion.  He also use to say a lot of things about the PS3 that was bad.  Activision as well at one point said that they was going to stop publishing to the ps3 etc.  The thing you are not understanding is that they are one person with opinions just like you and me.  Not experts on opinions.  Many of them are gamers and are all one person, not a group.  There is 230m consoles sold in the 7th generation and thousands and thousands of developers and publishers out there.  You hear 2 people and claim that it is everybody and it is true, but you havent heard from the other thousands of developers and publishers, and millions of gamers.  Michael Pachter is an expert as well, not a developer, ppublisher, or CEO, but an analysis expert and he is wrong a lot.  It is because he places opinions just like everybody else in this world.

I don't care what you think about consoles. I care what experts have to say. You are not educated in the required field to have an opinion that supersedes experts. You're some some random guy on a random forum. Nothing more, nothing less. 

As i said they arent experts on opinions either.  And what about the other 100's of developers and publishers.  What about Gabe Newell and what he thinks?  What about Michael Pachter and all of his right decisions or opinions.  What about that?  If a professional came out and told you that the sun was blue with no evidence to back it up would you believe that too?


Mazty said:
Farsala said:
Mazty said:
timmah said:

NES - 3rd gen (after the 1st & second gens and the subseuent video game crash of '77), SNES - 4th gen (with Genesis), N64 - 5th gen (with PS1), GC - 6th gen (with PS2, Xbox), Wii - 7th gen (With 360/PS3), WiiU - 8th gen (with the soon to be released PS4/720). Please go back and prove all systems listed here are actually in the gen before so the numbers line up with your argument, provide evidence based on articles, sales comparisons, analysts, etc. that the numbers for the previous gens are wrong and are not accepted by the industry. If you can't disprove that the N64 was 5th gen, GC was 6th gen and Wii was 7th (and so on), you have no case that the successor to the accepted 7th gen system from Nintendo would not be an 8th gen system, as it is one generation, or new architecture/platform release after the accepted 7th gen console (Wii). (7 + 1 = 8)

Have you thought about the possiblity that the whole system has been fucked from it's inception? Also the GC was hardly noticably better than the PS2 or Xbox. Same with the PS1 and N64. Compare something like RE:3 to Golden Eye. 

However with the Wii, well the power difference is phenomanl, and the same apparently will happen yet again. 

Also saying "omg look at the past" doesn't change the fact that as of right now, two major sources have said the Wii U is not next-gen.

Please avoid fallacies and address what was said:

@bold Conspiracies man... Since its inception it has been defined as this, if all of a sudden it changes to whatever you are arguing that it should be then thats what the generations will be defined as.(See my other post in this thread)

But for now it is what it is and Wii U will be defined by most as 8th gen.

Right so saying a system which doesn't follow the standard business practice of "generation" is a conspiracy, but claiming the EA CEO is butthurt and DF is out to destroy the Wii U isn't?

Lolk if you say so. 

This is the issue. Too many gamers are wholly unaware of buisness practice and terms outside of gaming. 

@bold Where in my post did I say anything about this? It seems you are making up stuff for no reason just because you do not agree with my opinion.

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Farsala said:

@bold Where in my post did I say anything about this? It seems you are making up stuff for no reason just because you do not agree with my opinion.

Another user said that. I'm just repeating what experts of the gaming industry have said about the Wii U. If you don't like what I'm saying, take it up with them, not me, the messenger. 

JayWood2010 said:

As i said they arent experts on opinions either.  And what about the other 100's of developers and publishers.  What about Gabe Newell and what he thinks?  What about Michael Pachter and all of his right decisions or opinions.  What about that?  If a professional came out and told you that the sun was blue with no evidence to back it up would you believe that too?

How is the CEO of one of the biggest games publisher and a technical team of guys who clearly have experience with hardware not experts? *facepalm*
If they are not experts, who is? You?? LAWL

Do you honestly think your opinion is worth the same, or more, than the EA CEO and DF technical team?

Very well said, JayWood2010. I'd like to add that it has also been made very clear since 2006 that graphics are no longer the kind of benchmark they used to be when judging what is "next generation" anyway. Generations are going to be measured the way you define it, if they are measured at all moving forward. The Ouya and Project Shield probably won't have graphics like a "PS4" (although Project Shield will have 4k display capabilites), and they too will be part of the next generation. The old-school way of measuring how strong or relevant a game console is has been unceremoniously flung to the side in favor of convenience, ease of use, and low cost / low price games and even free games. The Video Game industry isn't going to be able to say something like "it's got Blast Processing" and expect to corner the market that way. "Cheap, free, and easy" puts "Eye-popping graphics" in a Figure-Four... and listens to it scream. There aren't enough "hard-core gamers" in this world to support the entire industry. Not even half of it. 

We ALL wanted it, now we ALL are finally going to get SHENMUE III !!! Let us REJOICE IN THE STREETS!!!

axumblade said:
Mazty. I'm asking you to leave this time. You have been just as disrespectful if not more to the users posting in this thread. And we already know your views on this, you are just arguing in circles.

Furthermore, I must ask other users (jaywood and whatnot) to not reply to Mazty in this thread because he obviously feels compelled to comment back at you whenever you do reply to him.

I am not getting involved in this discussion. I just feel this is the only way to prevent this from proceeding in the flamewar direction it appears to be heading in with all of the "facepalms" and kid comments.

Thank you for coming in here :)  Much appreciated


axumblade said:
Mazty. I'm asking you to leave this time. You have been just as disrespectful if not more to the users posting in this thread. And we already know your views on this, you are just arguing in circles.

Furthermore, I must ask other users (jaywood and whatnot) to not reply to Mazty in this thread because he obviously feels compelled to comment back at you whenever you do reply to him.

I am not getting involved in this discussion. I just feel this is the only way to prevent this from proceeding in the flamewar direction it appears to be heading in with all of the "facepalms" and kid comments.

I'm being asked to leave because I'm stating what the EA CEO and Digital Foundry team? 

I'll do it because you are asking, but I can't see how I've been disrespectful, and how you think that Jaywood's approach of claiming his unfounded opinion is fact is in anyway beneficial to the community. For the record, I'm a science graduate and I'm fully  aware that if he made the claims he's making in a lecturer theatre, he'd be ignored. His opinions are very poorly founded, something I've been educated to spot, and not fact as he is trying to pass off. 

Mass opinion =/= well founded opinion.

axumblade said:
Mazty said:
axumblade said:
Mazty. I'm asking you to leave this time. You have been just as disrespectful if not more to the users posting in this thread. And we already know your views on this, you are just arguing in circles.

Furthermore, I must ask other users (jaywood and whatnot) to not reply to Mazty in this thread because he obviously feels compelled to comment back at you whenever you do reply to him.

I am not getting involved in this discussion. I just feel this is the only way to prevent this from proceeding in the flamewar direction it appears to be heading in with all of the "facepalms" and kid comments.

I'm being asked to leave because I'm stating what the EA CEO and Digital Foundry team? 

I'll do it because you are asking, but I can't see how I've been disrespectful, and how you think that Jaywood's approach of claiming his unfounded opinion is fact is in anyway beneficial to the community. For the record, I'm a science graduate and I'm fully  aware that if he made the claims he's making in a lecturer theatre, he'd be ignored. 

Mass opinion on a thread =/= well founded opinion.

You repeatedly writing "facepalm" in various posts is disrespectful. And you keep repeating the same points you've emphasized on several times. I'm not trying to cause an issue. I have no problems with either of you guys. I just don't want you guys to go on arguing over the same things just restated continually.

Lock thread imo as Jaywood is saying his opinion is worth more than the EA CEO and DF team, but okay, this will be my last post here.