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Very well said, JayWood2010. I'd like to add that it has also been made very clear since 2006 that graphics are no longer the kind of benchmark they used to be when judging what is "next generation" anyway. Generations are going to be measured the way you define it, if they are measured at all moving forward. The Ouya and Project Shield probably won't have graphics like a "PS4" (although Project Shield will have 4k display capabilites), and they too will be part of the next generation. The old-school way of measuring how strong or relevant a game console is has been unceremoniously flung to the side in favor of convenience, ease of use, and low cost / low price games and even free games. The Video Game industry isn't going to be able to say something like "it's got Blast Processing" and expect to corner the market that way. "Cheap, free, and easy" puts "Eye-popping graphics" in a Figure-Four... and listens to it scream. There aren't enough "hard-core gamers" in this world to support the entire industry. Not even half of it. 

We ALL wanted it, now we ALL are finally going to get SHENMUE III !!! Let us REJOICE IN THE STREETS!!!