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Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

Everyone is laughing at me for believing the experts?


I see you ignored my question.  Gabe Newell thinks Apple.  Does that make him right?  No it is his opinion.  He also use to say a lot of things about the PS3 that was bad.  Activision as well at one point said that they was going to stop publishing to the ps3 etc.  The thing you are not understanding is that they are one person with opinions just like you and me.  Not experts on opinions.  Many of them are gamers and are all one person, not a group.  There is 230m consoles sold in the 7th generation and thousands and thousands of developers and publishers out there.  You hear 2 people and claim that it is everybody and it is true, but you havent heard from the other thousands of developers and publishers, and millions of gamers.  Michael Pachter is an expert as well, not a developer, ppublisher, or CEO, but an analysis expert and he is wrong a lot.  It is because he places opinions just like everybody else in this world.

I don't care what you think about consoles. I care what experts have to say. You are not educated in the required field to have an opinion that supersedes experts. You're some some random guy on a random forum. Nothing more, nothing less. 

As i said they arent experts on opinions either.  And what about the other 100's of developers and publishers.  What about Gabe Newell and what he thinks?  What about Michael Pachter and all of his right decisions or opinions.  What about that?  If a professional came out and told you that the sun was blue with no evidence to back it up would you believe that too?