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axumblade said:
Mazty said:
axumblade said:
Mazty. I'm asking you to leave this time. You have been just as disrespectful if not more to the users posting in this thread. And we already know your views on this, you are just arguing in circles.

Furthermore, I must ask other users (jaywood and whatnot) to not reply to Mazty in this thread because he obviously feels compelled to comment back at you whenever you do reply to him.

I am not getting involved in this discussion. I just feel this is the only way to prevent this from proceeding in the flamewar direction it appears to be heading in with all of the "facepalms" and kid comments.

I'm being asked to leave because I'm stating what the EA CEO and Digital Foundry team? 

I'll do it because you are asking, but I can't see how I've been disrespectful, and how you think that Jaywood's approach of claiming his unfounded opinion is fact is in anyway beneficial to the community. For the record, I'm a science graduate and I'm fully  aware that if he made the claims he's making in a lecturer theatre, he'd be ignored. 

Mass opinion on a thread =/= well founded opinion.

You repeatedly writing "facepalm" in various posts is disrespectful. And you keep repeating the same points you've emphasized on several times. I'm not trying to cause an issue. I have no problems with either of you guys. I just don't want you guys to go on arguing over the same things just restated continually.

Lock thread imo as Jaywood is saying his opinion is worth more than the EA CEO and DF team, but okay, this will be my last post here.