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Farsala said:

@bold Where in my post did I say anything about this? It seems you are making up stuff for no reason just because you do not agree with my opinion.

Another user said that. I'm just repeating what experts of the gaming industry have said about the Wii U. If you don't like what I'm saying, take it up with them, not me, the messenger. 

JayWood2010 said:

As i said they arent experts on opinions either.  And what about the other 100's of developers and publishers.  What about Gabe Newell and what he thinks?  What about Michael Pachter and all of his right decisions or opinions.  What about that?  If a professional came out and told you that the sun was blue with no evidence to back it up would you believe that too?

How is the CEO of one of the biggest games publisher and a technical team of guys who clearly have experience with hardware not experts? *facepalm*
If they are not experts, who is? You?? LAWL

Do you honestly think your opinion is worth the same, or more, than the EA CEO and DF technical team?