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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Sony mislead devs

JWeinCom said:
Otakumegane said:
007BondAgent said:
Otakumegane said:
Wait what?

sony lied about the ps4 specs to hurt the nextbox


i hope this is nothing more then just rumour, because it's pretty low. 'smart though'

So uh...Sony supposedly said their console was going to be lower in power so that MS makes a slightly better one?

Then reveal its true form or something?

Ok... so... putting this into perspective...

Wii U=  Gohan SSJ1

X-Box Durango= Goku SSJ2

PS4= Gotenks pretending not to be as strong as he is when he's fighting Majin Buu to make things more interesting but then powering up to full strength.

Hahaha! Absolutely brilliant

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so sony is sabotaging them self's i always had the feeling they were suicidal

Oh dear, people will be leave anything to bitch about Sony

would be pretty sick, first party games woud have an advantage then for the first 1-2 years, not sure if i would like that as third party developer to have games to compete against on p4 which destroy my game because i had a shit dev kit to develop on.

so yeah, not so good for the relationship between me as developer and sony then.

If true (probably not), it might be good long-term for Sony since it might screw up the Durango development. Besides, taking advantage of your opponent's reliance on spying on you isn't unfair, it's the opponent's damn fault for relying on dirty tactics in the first place.

But it has to hurt third party relations. Right?


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I don't see it anywhere on Neogaf so it is not true. Nothing to see here.

First off, I don't believe this.

Secondly, if it's true then that would only be the case because SONY just decided to up the specs during the development from what they originally planned. This could only help devs, not hurt them.

Thirdly, Microsoft would be idiots to base their entire system on early competitor dev kits.

Fourth, if this was fully true, GOOD ON SONY. They know how to play a good game of Poker. They did nothing wrong here. Keeping your unrevealed tech a secret is what the fuck you're supposed to do in a competitive industry like this. Of course, we'll bitch about SONY any chance we get, still.

4 ≈ One

KungKras said:
If true (probably not), it might be good long-term for Sony since it might screw up the Durango development. Besides, taking advantage of your opponent's reliance on spying on you isn't unfair, it's the opponent's damn fault for relying on dirty tactics in the first place.

But it has to hurt third party relations. Right?

Upping the specs wouldn't hurt third parties. Think about it. You were given 2GB of ram, and an average set of processors to work with. You're hard at work cramming and optimizing as best as you can. Suddenly, your ram has been doubled and sped up, and your given a new set of similar processors that are faster and can handle your load much better. Your job was just made easier, not harder. Knowing that you were able to do what you wanted with the original specs, you're now in a position to beef things up if you're so inclined. 

4 ≈ One

I lol'd. XD

"sony lied about the ps4 specs to hurt the nextbox"

ROLF this is too funny