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KungKras said:
If true (probably not), it might be good long-term for Sony since it might screw up the Durango development. Besides, taking advantage of your opponent's reliance on spying on you isn't unfair, it's the opponent's damn fault for relying on dirty tactics in the first place.

But it has to hurt third party relations. Right?

Upping the specs wouldn't hurt third parties. Think about it. You were given 2GB of ram, and an average set of processors to work with. You're hard at work cramming and optimizing as best as you can. Suddenly, your ram has been doubled and sped up, and your given a new set of similar processors that are faster and can handle your load much better. Your job was just made easier, not harder. Knowing that you were able to do what you wanted with the original specs, you're now in a position to beef things up if you're so inclined. 

4 ≈ One