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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U GPU Die Image! Chipworks is AWESOME!

They decided to go public with the img so gaf people can save some money for their games! The shit is so customized that it's literally WTF LOL!


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I see no image or source or anything...

Sorry. Work settings blocks some images. Have to see what more knowledgable people say... especially since they can compare to existing and durango gpu.

For those that look at this and see it as some bizzare alien language....

Is this a good thing or bad thing?

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

So, what does that mean for the power of the GPU? The people on neogaf should have had a decent discussion about it by now^^

BTW. Also shows how important GAF is if they decided to release the image so the people on GAF wouldn't have to spend money for it.

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Is that the map from an unreleased SNES RPG?

_crazy_man_ said:
For those that look at this and see it as some bizzare alien language....

Is this a good thing or bad thing?

still being diciphered, but that shit doesn't look like a standard GPU at all haha.

Haha! I know right!?

Off to the neogaf thread I go!

superchunk said:
I see no image or source or anything...

Very high res pic, takes a bit to load