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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favorite New game IP(s) in the past 2 years.

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What's your favorite New IP(s) of the past 2 years. (sorry for lack of titles for poll)

Pushmo 2 4.76%
Journey 6 14.29%
Mostly or so, PS titles 14 33.33%
Mostly or so, Nintendo titles 17 40.48%
Mostly or so, XBox titles 3 7.14%
JayWood2010 said:

Ni No Kuni - PS3

Mark of the Ninja -X360

The Walking Dead - PC

ZombiU -WiiU

Kid Icarus - 3DS

EDIT: That is interesting.  each one for a different console.  I was debating on FEZ and Journey but personally they arent in my favs.  Journey was good but way too short.  I feel it needs a price cut honestly.  FEZ is ok, and for whatever reason i havent reviewed it yet

FEZ is coming to other consoles. And I hope it comes to the 3DS because I want a 3D capable (3D ready) version of it.


I'm a 3D Fanboy.

Well, I look forward to your review someday.

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- Gravity Rush

- journey

BasilZero said:

Ni No Kuni shouldnt be considered a new IP due to the fact that the NDS version came out in 2010 (I guess).

Nor is Kid Icarus since it came out originally on NES.

I cant think of any new IPs of the last two years......uhh



Unless you are saying what new IPs did people get into last two years that they never got into that case....

-Left 4 Dead
-Assassin's Creed
-Saints Row

nino kuni's a new IP for the west... Otherwise that would basically mean new Japanese games would have an extremely small window for this list or in Ninokuni's case no window at all. 

I also think it's somewhat normal this late in console lifecycle to lack newer IP's.

LA noire if that counts, i think its the newest IP i've played. It came out in 2010.

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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I don't think I have really played any new ips that have launched in the past two years.

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xneoblade and the last story

animegaming said:
xneoblade and the last story

Love the Last Story as well.


Are you going to get Pandora's Tower?

Cannot really think of any, PSABR was pretty decent I guess.

Corey said:
I don't think I have really played any new ips that have launched in the past two years.

Not even Steel Diver or Mighty Switch Force or Dream Trigger 3D or Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword or anything, LOL?


I would figure that XLA & PSN & eShop would make it easier for people.

Farsala said:
Cannot really think of any, PSABR was pretty decent I guess.

Hasn't Playstation all stars franchise been out for more then 2 years?