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Forums - General Discussion - The VGChartz Art Creation & Gallery thread

Marucha said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Marucha said:

Was thinking of a future piece and sketched this on my Galaxy Note 10.1 within S-note. Stuff like this usually ends up being one of my more personal works. You can still see some of my manga influence in them... lol

Very nice sketch. How do you like your Galaxy Note 10.1. I have a regular Galaxy Note and I love it, but I can't say it's great for Sketching because it's it only has a 5 inch screen. The S-Pen is amazing.

I bought Sketchpad for my Galaxy Note, it's pretty cool. You might find it has more options than S-Note.

I have the full version of SketchBook Pro and Layerpaint, paid apps... it's OK. I can barely tell there are 1024 levels of pressure tbh... seems like it does not attenuate very well in the lower levels. It's fine for sketching, but it's a pain for rendering so I don't usually do any serious works with it. I used S-note in this case because I like to keep track of my ideas...

There's a some dials underneath the S-pen button. You can pull the button off and that makes it possible to adjust the sensitivity, but it doesn't fix this situation, just effects when pressure starts registering. What they need to do is add a software option to control the pressure... there's no customization for painting/rendering, but it works perfectly for sketching and note-taking... I'm guessing that's why it's designed that way. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about it... the apps out there that work with the pressure sensitivity could get better, but not by much.

Other people have mentioned TV Paint as being a wonderful app for not only drawing, but also animation. I don't think you can download it from the app market. You probably have to install it manually, but it's worth checking out. I think a lot of people compare it to drawing in Flash.

The tablet hardware/software itself is marvelous, perfect even... can't really suggest much can improve there. It's definitely a powerful note-taker.

I think your Galaxy Note 10.1 inch has some more features than my Galaxy Note 5 inch. It's ok for sketching. I did just find out that it has two Note apps. One is for memos and the other is for more stuff like sketching. It doesn't have an pressure options, but it has a lot more color and brush options. It's actualy better than Sketchbook Mobile from what I've noticed.

I whipped this witch sketch up to test it and I think it works pretty good. Not my best work, but I'm happen with it as a test. It's a tiny screen for sketching, but it's good enough to capture a though or mental image before you lose  a good idea looking for a piece of paper and a pencil.


I'll definitly check out TV Paint when I have a chance. The above witch sketch is actualy my first semi-serious experience with a tablet-like device. I had played around with the S-Pen before, but mostly just for notes. It definitly makes me excited to play around with my display tablet when it arives. I still have to wait untill Thursday to put in an order because it's been backordered for so long. It's become a popular alternative to the more expensive ones out that ever since it got upgraded.

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kain_kusanagi said:
Marucha said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Marucha said:

Was thinking of a future piece and sketched this on my Galaxy Note 10.1 within S-note. Stuff like this usually ends up being one of my more personal works. You can still see some of my manga influence in them... lol

Very nice sketch. How do you like your Galaxy Note 10.1. I have a regular Galaxy Note and I love it, but I can't say it's great for Sketching because it's it only has a 5 inch screen. The S-Pen is amazing.

I bought Sketchpad for my Galaxy Note, it's pretty cool. You might find it has more options than S-Note.

I have the full version of SketchBook Pro and Layerpaint, paid apps... it's OK. I can barely tell there are 1024 levels of pressure tbh... seems like it does not attenuate very well in the lower levels. It's fine for sketching, but it's a pain for rendering so I don't usually do any serious works with it. I used S-note in this case because I like to keep track of my ideas...

There's a some dials underneath the S-pen button. You can pull the button off and that makes it possible to adjust the sensitivity, but it doesn't fix this situation, just effects when pressure starts registering. What they need to do is add a software option to control the pressure... there's no customization for painting/rendering, but it works perfectly for sketching and note-taking... I'm guessing that's why it's designed that way. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about it... the apps out there that work with the pressure sensitivity could get better, but not by much.

Other people have mentioned TV Paint as being a wonderful app for not only drawing, but also animation. I don't think you can download it from the app market. You probably have to install it manually, but it's worth checking out. I think a lot of people compare it to drawing in Flash.

The tablet hardware/software itself is marvelous, perfect even... can't really suggest much can improve there. It's definitely a powerful note-taker.

I think your Galaxy Note 10.1 inch has some more features than my Galaxy Note 5 inch. It's ok for sketching. I did just find out that it has two Note apps. One is for memos and the other is for more stuff like sketching. It doesn't have an pressure options, but it has a lot more color and brush options. It's actualy better than Sketchbook Mobile from what I've noticed.

I whipped this witch sketch up to test it and I think it works pretty good. Not my best work, but I'm happen with it as a test. It's a tiny screen for sketching, but it's good enough to capture a though or mental image before you lose  a good idea looking for a piece of paper and a pencil.


I'll definitly check out TV Paint when I have a chance. The above witch sketch is actualy my first semi-serious experience with a tablet-like device. I had played around with the S-Pen before, but mostly just for notes. It definitly makes me excited to play around with my display tablet when it arives. I still have to wait untill Thursday to put in an order because it's been backordered for so long. It's become a popular alternative to the more expensive ones out that ever since it got upgraded.

If you have a few bucks, get the Sketchbook Pro (Mobile was weird when I tried it)... they just added a ton of features (especially for the tablet versions) and it has palm detection now, something a lot of people were waiting for. The brushes are highly customizable so if you don't like the default, you can easily fix that. It lets me do a lot of the stuff I can get usually pull off in PHotoshop. Look into Layerpaint too, it's cheaper and I think you would like it... the screenshots in the market are pretty amazing, but again, it's not an art style I am really into and I obviously tend to do more rendered stuff that is realistic. I have done some interesting sketches with the Note 10, but it's also good for my field in general... I think my last commissioned piece I did the underlyign sketch on the note and transferred it to my desktop. I carry a regular sketchbook/pencil box with because at least I can shade on that pretty quickly and easily... believe it or not, I carry that separate from my purse lol.

Marucha said:

If you have a few bucks, get the Sketchbook Pro (Mobile was weird when I tried it)... they just added a ton of features (especially for the tablet versions) and it has palm detection now, something a lot of people were waiting for. The brushes are highly customizable so if you don't like the default, you can easily fix that. It lets me do a lot of the stuff I can get usually pull off in PHotoshop. Look into Layerpaint too, it's cheaper and I think you would like it... the screenshots in the market are pretty amazing, but again, it's not an art style I am really into and I obviously tend to do more rendered stuff that is realistic. I have done some interesting sketches with the Note 10, but it's also good for my field in general... I think my last commissioned piece I did the underlyign sketch on the note and transferred it to my desktop. I carry a regular sketchbook/pencil box with because at least I can shade on that pretty quickly and easily... believe it or not, I carry that separate from my purse lol.

I can definitly tell you take your sketching seriously. The girl you sketched is fantastic.

As for apps, I'll look into the ones you mentions, I'm not sure I need much more than maybe Sketchbook Pro and that animation one you mentioned. My Galaxy Note 5 inch is a bit too small to do serious sketching. I know that when it's time for me to replace my old Laptop I''m going to get what ever the newest Galaxy Note tab is. I love the S-Pen and they keep making them better.

Do you mind me asking how your commissioning works? Is it part of your career or is it the type of commissioning I hear about on Deviant Art? I'm not in a place that I'd start doing commissions, but I'm interested in the process.

Few years before Superbowl win LOL. Was speed painting during a game

Some of those paintings that never fully got off the ground:


My name is a play off the word tea in Japanese, so this is fitting. Just shows how much I love tea... the grey textured thingy is a kneaded eraser I smooshed on the desk


This never quite got finished and it has a lot of problems, but it was inspired by the Ice Caps music/color scheme in Sonic 3..

kain_kusanagi said:
Marucha said:


I can definitly tell you take your sketching seriously. The girl you sketched is fantastic.

As for apps, I'll look into the ones you mentions, I'm not sure I need much more than maybe Sketchbook Pro and that animation one you mentioned. My Galaxy Note 5 inch is a bit too small to do serious sketching. I know that when it's time for me to replace my old Laptop I''m going to get what ever the newest Galaxy Note tab is. I love the S-Pen and they keep making them better.

Do you mind me asking how your commissioning works? Is it part of your career or is it the type of commissioning I hear about on Deviant Art? I'm not in a place that I'd start doing commissions, but I'm interested in the process.

I am a freelancer and do a lot of types of graphic/fine art work on the computer. I also do oil painting and charcoals. Generally landscapes more than anything else when it comes to oils. I'm skilled with programming related stuff, so if I have to do that to put up/make code for graphics I've done, then I'll usually do that to get it 'right'. It's not a required skill, but it helps being tech savvy as possible,..  like, if your customer can't figure something out, it saves both your time to be able to do it quickly without having to resort to Google. Or you have to fuss with getting your work printed right... which happens, because printers are stupid and simple minded (referring to the machine, not the printshop lol).

Mainly right now I have been doing portraiture, large format stuff. No, it's not deviantart... the people there are not going to pay more than $5-15 maybe for a regular sketch, and it's not worth the time and money to build a network there... it's not my demographic anyway. I prefer working face to face. I get a lot of work by word of mouth. Mainly it's portraits, landscapes, or code work that I get asked to do...

I have a Facebook fanpage, it helps (if anything, just to encourage myself and others to look at my work) and also to network. There's some people on there that have started to follow me recently who I have no idea who the heck they are, but they follow it and keep up with me, so maybe they are potential clients when I post the finished work. Who knows.

It also helps to carry business cards... the Japanese give cards even just for personal encounters. It's a lot easier and more "modern" I think to interact with people this way than writing your number on a piece of paper where it can get lost.. so yeah, even if I just give someone my card after fixing their computer that's 'artsy' and personal with my work on it... or meeting them at Starbucks or something, it's a potential lead. As long as you are passionate about your work, take yourself seriously, you will have no problem attracting clients generally. I live in the city, people are active here and this is where I personally thrive and am happiest, so I think that's also part of it... it takes time to build a client base. A good sized painting can go for $200-400 easily though... especially oils...  so even a few paintings is enough for a modest income. It's never steady though because it's freelance work.

Most industry professionals (concept art related, not my field), work freelance also. I mean once a game is designed, they are let go... you have to learn to build a name and network basically and keep tossing your portfolio (and improving it) every chance you get. I prefer to work locally than do that kind of biz. I'm not a fan of where the direction is going there... I honestly think some of that industry is behind the times. There are a lot of exciting things going on in indie games, for example... if you're ever bored as an artist, finding a good interesting spot to test your mettle is not that far away. May not be well-paying, but

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@Kain. Thanks for posting them videos! They were even better than I expected. :) Did you voice them yourself?

@Marucha, your art is amazing! I especially like the teacup. You said you have a Galaxy Note 10.1? I've been considering getting one if/when I get a steady income. Do you think it would be any good for coloring anime/disney style?


Well, I guess I might as well quit being insecure and upload some of my more recent sketches.

This 1st one I sketched while reading Burne Hogarth's "Drawing the Human Head" a couple of months ago. I still haven't finished the book yet. I really should get back to it.

This one's also from around November(I think). I was planning on doing more with it, but I got lazy.

These are some recent head sketches I made in MyPaint. Just trying to get back into the feel of things.


Lastly, here's a Link Sketch that I'll probably never get around to coloring.


Trunkin said:

Well, I guess I might as well quit being insecure and upload some of my more recent sketches.

This 1st one I sketched while reading Burne Hogarth's "Drawing the Human Head" a couple of months ago. I still haven't finished the book yet. I really should get back to it.

This one's also from around November(I think). I was planning on doing more with it, but I got lazy.

These are some recent head sketches I made in MyPaint. Just trying to get back into the feel of things.

Lastly, here's a Link Sketch that I'll probably never get around to coloring.

Top notch work! Your link really shows you have an excellent eye for motion/action. I've always had a hard time with action poses and it takes me a lot of retries to get it right. Very nice eye designs, that girl sketch already feels alive and you haven't finished it. You might as well ink it and color it along with Link. They are so close to being finished it would be a shame if you never did.

Yes, I did Cliff's voices and most of the voices and I had my brother do Monty's voice. I'm glad you liked it. My favorite is the one with the Devil, I had the most fun recording the voice for him and the demons.

Marucha said:

Few years before Superbowl win LOL. Was speed painting during a game

Some of those paintings that never fully got off the ground:


My name is a play off the word tea in Japanese, so this is fitting. Just shows how much I love tea... the grey textured thingy is a kneaded eraser I smooshed on the desk


This never quite got finished and it has a lot of problems, but it was inspired by the Ice Caps music/color scheme in Sonic 3..

Beautiful color work!

On the tea cup and onion, did y ou work from a photo or life?

kain_kusanagi said:

Top notch work! Your link really shows you have an excellent eye for motion/action. I've always had a hard time with action poses and it takes me a lot of retries to get it right. Very nice eye designs, that girl sketch already feels alive and you haven't finished it. You might as well ink it and color it along with Link. They are so close to being finished it would be a shame if you never did.

Yes, I did Cliff's voices and most of the voices and I had my brother do Monty's voice. I'm glad you liked it. My favorite is the one with the Devil, I had the most fun recording the voice for him and the demons.

Thanks! I'm glad you like them. Action poses are usually very hit-and-miss for me, but this one came quite naturally. I've noticed that the best ones usually do. :) I have returned to the Link Sketch. I dunno about the girl, though. My colorings a bit(very) rusty, so, funny as it seems, I think coloring her would be a bit too much for me. lol I guess it might be a good challenge, though.

Ah, so you had help. It didn't sound like they were both voiced by the same person. I've always wanted to try doing voice work. What kind of mic did you use?