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Trunkin said:

Well, I guess I might as well quit being insecure and upload some of my more recent sketches.

This 1st one I sketched while reading Burne Hogarth's "Drawing the Human Head" a couple of months ago. I still haven't finished the book yet. I really should get back to it.

This one's also from around November(I think). I was planning on doing more with it, but I got lazy.

These are some recent head sketches I made in MyPaint. Just trying to get back into the feel of things.

Lastly, here's a Link Sketch that I'll probably never get around to coloring.

Top notch work! Your link really shows you have an excellent eye for motion/action. I've always had a hard time with action poses and it takes me a lot of retries to get it right. Very nice eye designs, that girl sketch already feels alive and you haven't finished it. You might as well ink it and color it along with Link. They are so close to being finished it would be a shame if you never did.

Yes, I did Cliff's voices and most of the voices and I had my brother do Monty's voice. I'm glad you liked it. My favorite is the one with the Devil, I had the most fun recording the voice for him and the demons.