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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has less First Party Studios than Microsoft. 21 vs 15

Jaywood, you failed.

Why didin't you include CCP as a third party developer for PS3? They made Dust 514 for PS3.

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green_sky said:

Planetside 2 is their recent big release.

I was talking about MS.

Microsoft First Party Studios must be in Hibernation.

I would count some of the studios as 2
Naughty Dog,Guerilla Games and Santa monica studios for example work with 2 different teams on 2 games.
Mostly new IPs most of the time like they do right now for the PS4.

And you can add the Tales of Studios as 3rd Party for the PS3 if you add TriAce with IU for the 360.
Tales of Graces F,Xillia and Xillia 2 are PS3 Exclusive (and so is the 10 times better version of Vesperia.)

And the games the 1st and 2nd Party of Sony are bringing are far more interesting for the Core Gamer crowd.
I really don't care for 15 Kinect Studios and Rare is dead.
On the other side all Sony studios are working on games the whole time.Some of them as i said with 2 teams on 2 different games most of the time.

I hope you guys realize that not every third party game that is on a platform is some kind of deal. Ive been seeing this one here a lot. This has nothing to sdo with exclusives so cool it guys. PS3 has more exclusives from 1st party studios than X360. Not a big secret


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I hope we get a Lost Odyssey 2 from Mistwalker next gen.

Microsoft's 1st party is a matter of quantity over quality if you ask me. Though, I personally don't like much of Sony's 1st party lineup either, the exception being Team Ico.

JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.Its very good cardio, but eventually at my dorms we got P90X and now we're on Insanity training.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.

Well if i ever get kinect i might give it a try.  Well i know i wont buy a kinect but with the nexbox if it comes with it ill try it or something.


JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.

Well if i ever get kinect i might give it a try.  Well i know i wont buy a kinect but with the nexbox if it comes with it ill try it or something.


I will definitely get the Dance Central games if they are BC on the 720. I love to dance so those are strong on my list. I think it will be the same as this gen for me. Acutally, I believe I might just own all three consoles next gen. Ever since I broke away from Microsoft exclusivity in 2009 I quit focusing on one console and went back to my routine of owning all consoles, plus I was in marketing and realized brand loyalty is garbage. We'll see how the HD Twins announce their consoles with specs.