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I would count some of the studios as 2
Naughty Dog,Guerilla Games and Santa monica studios for example work with 2 different teams on 2 games.
Mostly new IPs most of the time like they do right now for the PS4.

And you can add the Tales of Studios as 3rd Party for the PS3 if you add TriAce with IU for the 360.
Tales of Graces F,Xillia and Xillia 2 are PS3 Exclusive (and so is the 10 times better version of Vesperia.)

And the games the 1st and 2nd Party of Sony are bringing are far more interesting for the Core Gamer crowd.
I really don't care for 15 Kinect Studios and Rare is dead.
On the other side all Sony studios are working on games the whole time.Some of them as i said with 2 teams on 2 different games most of the time.