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JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.Its very good cardio, but eventually at my dorms we got P90X and now we're on Insanity training.