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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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SvennoJ said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Wait, you did all that BEFORE finding smol baby bird?

Yep, I found Tulin last night and escorted him up to the wind temple. I refrained from using any Zonai stuff to follow the way up as intended. (my first visit to the wind temple was while exploring the sky and flying down into the storm while arriving from above)

I must say, the climb to the wind temple, from Rito village, is the most epic sequence in the entire game and beats the best moments of BotW. It looks so far out of reach yet all the time there is the next thing just close enough to jump or glide to (with Tulin's help). It's so well play tested, not a moment of frustration, always clear enough where to go next. The 2 shrines there make sense now as check points.

Too bad the wind temple itself is a massive dud. It took me less than 10 minutes this time to activate the 5 turbines. The epic climb, well over an hour of pure joy and amazement. The climb took a lot longer than I expected so I saved the boss fight for tonight. Hope it's decent but going in with low expectations. Then back to Purah to see if I still get to see the ring ruins even though I already have Mineru.

Trust me, it's an epic boss fight. There's a way to cheese it though. You can destroy it's weak spots either with arrows or by using the paraglider to crash through them.

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SvennoJ said:
zeldaring said:

I'm right where you it's my third temple unlocked 2 turbines. It was pretty epic getting to the temple and fun. That's my highlights of the game climbing to the water temple and also the mud temple.

The water temple is the mud temple? But yeah both those climbs (done in the right order without Zonai shortcuts) are great. Just a shame I already did them backwards while exploring the map. The wind temple climb was still amazing, water temple climb was good, not as great but still fun.

The problem is the temples are so lackluster, especially after all that build up. The boss fights also don't feel like they do the sequence justice. They're not bad, merely decent,

My favorite sequences in the game are now:
- Lightning temple all of it
- Wind temple approach
- Exploring the Depths
- Lomei mazes
- Construct Factory

As for most disappointing: The caves and wells, the story presentation and the abundance of collectathons. The cave/well additions are a great idea, yet the implementation feels very generic and there are hardly any dark caves. There are very few caves with an interesting layout and those still look generic, bland brown tunnels. Most just feel like a copy paste spot to hide yet another bubble frog.

I ran into the Lucky Clover Gazette after leaving Rito village. So now just starting "Princess Sightings" after already having found Zelda and the Master Sword lol. Visit all the inns, run around time.

My favorite part about the game was the water temple. I like how they gave you clues and you had to explore and find everything plus it was my first temple. I just beat the wind temple it was a cool boss fight. Super easy though. I would not call it epic when it was just a bullet time fight.

Depths are my least favorite part of the game too much grind and basically a wasteland of nothingness it's not my idea of fun to constantly be throwing light seeds every 2 minutes I could care less about building.

As for the combat like you said there isn't combat in the game just abuse bullet time and once you have 2 champions they will kill and distract enemies for you.

Conclusion it's a 8 out 10 I really don't like anything they added and prefer botw and for its time botw is vastly better.

CaptainExplosion said:

Trust me, it's an epic boss fight. There's a way to cheese it though. You can destroy it's weak spots either with arrows or by using the paraglider to crash through them.

I found it rather confusing, half the time I had no clue where the boss was. The camera is so unhelpful lol. Plus at one point I got too low out of the wind gust and had to use the flying ship trampolines to get back up to the ship. I used bomb arrows in bullet time, when I could locate and catch up to the boss that is. By the time I got close enough the boss was about to teleport again. I never got a chance to crash through a weak spot, always out of range.

My favorite fight was on top of Mount Eldin where you fly around and shoot Yonobo at the (sub) boss. The wind temple boss did have good music at least!

zeldaring said:

My favorite part about the game was the water temple. I like how they gave you clues and you had to explore and find everything plus it was my first temple. I just beat the wind temple it was a cool boss fight. Super easy though. I would not call it epic when it was just a bullet time fight.

Depths are my least favorite part of the game too much grind and basically a wasteland of nothingness it's not my idea of fun to constantly be throwing light seeds every 2 minutes I could care less about building.

As for the combat like you said there isn't combat in the game just abuse bullet time and once you have 2 champions they will kill and distract enemies for you.

Conclusion it's a 8 out 10 I really don't like anything they added and prefer botw and for its time botw is vastly better.

Same conclusion, still better than most games.

Maybe the new additions like the fuse system would have been more fun with a better UI. I always end up fusing the same things as I either have the sort set to most used or highest damage. I spend far too much time looking for items already to also be doing that for fusing stuff that might not even last one battle.

Ascend, the more I use it (in combat and shrines) the more I dislike it. Just looks so stupid. Link can barely jump 1 foot high, yet then he suddenly leaps 30ft in the air to swim through solid rock. And there's always a weird delay.

Recall, great idea, but ruins half the shrines doh. And the most I use it for is to hand myself something higher up since the ultra-hand grab distance is so short. Move the piece up with ultra-hand, drop it. Climb up, cast recall, grab the object, repeat.

But the Depths were great to explore. I enjoyed using bright blooms to make paths, until I found out they just disappear again like everything else. Yet by then I had the full glow armor set and over half the light roots already turned on. Plus the rivers etc are already drawn in on the surface map without exploring it so you already have the map when you start the game.

But yes, combat and building are the two things that can annoy me to no end in this game. Building is so clunky and builds never feel fun to control. I did buy a plot at Tarrey town eventually and house building is just as awful if not worse. Plus a limit of 15 prefab pieces, why did they bother to put time and effort in that.

SvennoJ said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Trust me, it's an epic boss fight. There's a way to cheese it though. You can destroy it's weak spots either with arrows or by using the paraglider to crash through them.

I found it rather confusing, half the time I had no clue where the boss was. The camera is so unhelpful lol. Plus at one point I got too low out of the wind gust and had to use the flying ship trampolines to get back up to the ship. I used bomb arrows in bullet time, when I could locate and catch up to the boss that is. By the time I got close enough the boss was about to teleport again. I never got a chance to crash through a weak spot, always out of range.

Sounds like you need practice with the paraglider.

CaptainExplosion said:

Sounds like you need practice with the paraglider.

I get confused with the buttons. I always mess up the 4 states when needing to change a lot between them, glide, fall, spread eagle fall, dive. I also haven't used lock on camera yet, don't even know how lol. Plus the paraglider turns so slow it adds to the confusion when gliding sideways or backwards.

More practice won't help, I'm over 150 hours in and still mess up the controls consistently. Almost seems like the controls need work... I thought I had gotten used to powers left, throw right but still routinely start to throw my weapon when I want to use ultra-hand, and end up opening the power wheel when I want to throw something.

Don't need more practice (won't help) do need customizable controls.

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These are my ideas about the UI. Dunno what you guys think. The Reddit sub has long turned into an echo chamber which every claiming the UI is pretty much perfect and build for the Switch lol.

Jump is opposite of sprint instead of mapped to A.

A is both for unnecessary looting and to activate sages, Yonobo walking in front can either end in a laugh or blowing yourself up. An auto pickup option would reduce the issues. Map pick up to X for actually picking up items.

Link automatically starting to climb walls and trees has killed me plenty times. Let climb be a button just like climb down to initiate climbing yourself. Map it to A which is already used for climb down, but should also be for jump and to initiate climbing.

The paraglider/falling has 4 states, It would be more consistent to have A jump, X para glider, A to sky dive, hold A to speed up sky dive, B to cancel and fall (as is now)

The power menu should be mapped to RB to fix the associative mapping and LB for throwing. The power menu should be configurable and also have the sages mapped to it. An easy solution is to have two wheels pop up, one for each control stick. Sages wheel on the right, an RB tap will still activate the last used power.

Skip cut scenes should be the same button, not a mix of B, +, X+.

The font needs to be scale-able. I can't read half the UI from the couch, also due to the poor contrast in the game.

Ultra-hand rotation needs a third axis and option to always be aligned with the object. So the rotation always works the same on each object, yaw, pitch and roll. Since you're holding down RB to rotate, use Y and A for roll (left/right is yaw, up/down is pitch)

Let me turn off snap to grid so I can attach things the way I want. It's odd to have the Hudson sign mechanic constantly getting messed up by snap to grid while building, making just using a hover stone to best solution or make an ugly mess. Hold down ZR as well while rotating for sub 45 degree rotation, fine movement.

Let me select the next Zonai build item to put directly into my ultra-hand instead of selecting up to 5 to randomly throw on the ground.

Let me directly fuse things to my sword/shield from the menu instead of first having to drop it on the ground.

Let me sort the armor menu on most used with favorited sets to switch quickly.

Add an option to auto fuse the last used item to arrows to increase the flow of combat.

Turn the quick select menu into a cross bar selector. 8 columns sorted on type (general attack, ice/water/fire/shock, utility, cooked food, zonai) which each column their own individual sort. So you can sort utility items (bombs, puffs, muddles etc) on most used while having attack items sorted on attack power and food either sorted by type or hearts.

Each column also remembers last used item and column, so pressing up you can quickly re-eat the last consumed dish (if more availble), or quickly select the last used Zonai item which then appears in your hand with ultra-hand activated ready to add to your build. Selecting an item also pops up the prompt to either fuse it to your weapon or shield, which should ask the question if you want to replace the already fused item if there is one.

Down arrow should always select shields, left arrow bows, right arrow swords. Whistle can be mapped to the secondary power wheel with the sage abilities.

Cooking should have the ability to cook in bulk, select a recipe and how many you want to make.

Not all of it is bad, but there is so much room for improvement. And my biggest gripes are still using the 'wrong' button for throw and power select. After 150 hours I still start throwing my weapon when wanting to use a power and still open the power wheel when wanting to throw a puff shroom. I always end up with the bow selector when I want to follow up shooting with melee. Got to first pull your sword out to switch the selector. Then first draw the bow again before being able to change the bow. Rotating while building is always a pita while snap often gets it wrong if the build is not lying flat enough.

It's odd that most earlier Zelda games let you map functions to buttons yet BotW abandoned that customization.

Apparently Nintendo has revealed a list of new patents, with a whopping 31 related to Tears of the Kingdom. I'm confused about the legitimacy of patenting game mechanics in general, and skeptical about the unique qualities of some of these Zelda mechanics, many of which seem to be common features in video games.

Maybe someone with more knowledge of video game patents can weigh in on how common and how valid this practice is.

Source #1

Source #2

Just Nintendo being Nintendo, and broken patent laws being what they are, broken and nonsensical - how on Earth can you patent a thing like character moving at the same speed as a platform beneath him, when it's been used in games forever?

SvennoJ said:

These are my ideas about the UI. Dunno what you guys think. The Reddit sub has long turned into an echo chamber which every claiming the UI is pretty much perfect and build for the Switch lol.

Jump is opposite of sprint instead of mapped to A.

A is both for unnecessary looting and to activate sages, Yonobo walking in front can either end in a laugh or blowing yourself up. An auto pickup option would reduce the issues. Map pick up to X for actually picking up items.

Link automatically starting to climb walls and trees has killed me plenty times. Let climb be a button just like climb down to initiate climbing yourself. Map it to A which is already used for climb down, but should also be for jump and to initiate climbing.

The paraglider/falling has 4 states, It would be more consistent to have A jump, X para glider, A to sky dive, hold A to speed up sky dive, B to cancel and fall (as is now)

The power menu should be mapped to RB to fix the associative mapping and LB for throwing. The power menu should be configurable and also have the sages mapped to it. An easy solution is to have two wheels pop up, one for each control stick. Sages wheel on the right, an RB tap will still activate the last used power.

Skip cut scenes should be the same button, not a mix of B, +, X+.

The font needs to be scale-able. I can't read half the UI from the couch, also due to the poor contrast in the game.

Ultra-hand rotation needs a third axis and option to always be aligned with the object. So the rotation always works the same on each object, yaw, pitch and roll. Since you're holding down RB to rotate, use Y and A for roll (left/right is yaw, up/down is pitch)

Let me turn off snap to grid so I can attach things the way I want. It's odd to have the Hudson sign mechanic constantly getting messed up by snap to grid while building, making just using a hover stone to best solution or make an ugly mess. Hold down ZR as well while rotating for sub 45 degree rotation, fine movement.

Let me select the next Zonai build item to put directly into my ultra-hand instead of selecting up to 5 to randomly throw on the ground.

Let me directly fuse things to my sword/shield from the menu instead of first having to drop it on the ground.

Let me sort the armor menu on most used with favorited sets to switch quickly.

Add an option to auto fuse the last used item to arrows to increase the flow of combat.

Turn the quick select menu into a cross bar selector. 8 columns sorted on type (general attack, ice/water/fire/shock, utility, cooked food, zonai) which each column their own individual sort. So you can sort utility items (bombs, puffs, muddles etc) on most used while having attack items sorted on attack power and food either sorted by type or hearts.

Each column also remembers last used item and column, so pressing up you can quickly re-eat the last consumed dish (if more availble), or quickly select the last used Zonai item which then appears in your hand with ultra-hand activated ready to add to your build. Selecting an item also pops up the prompt to either fuse it to your weapon or shield, which should ask the question if you want to replace the already fused item if there is one.

Down arrow should always select shields, left arrow bows, right arrow swords. Whistle can be mapped to the secondary power wheel with the sage abilities.

Cooking should have the ability to cook in bulk, select a recipe and how many you want to make.

Not all of it is bad, but there is so much room for improvement. And my biggest gripes are still using the 'wrong' button for throw and power select. After 150 hours I still start throwing my weapon when wanting to use a power and still open the power wheel when wanting to throw a puff shroom. I always end up with the bow selector when I want to follow up shooting with melee. Got to first pull your sword out to switch the selector. Then first draw the bow again before being able to change the bow. Rotating while building is always a pita while snap often gets it wrong if the build is not lying flat enough.

It's odd that most earlier Zelda games let you map functions to buttons yet BotW abandoned that customization.

That is 100% on you. After 150 hours there should be enough mustle memory to be able to not constantly press the wrong buttons. I had a similar issue, often mixing up the L and R buttons, for the first 15-20 hours at max.

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 10 August 2023

HoloDust said:

Just Nintendo being Nintendo, and broken patent laws being what they are, broken and nonsensical - how on Earth can you patent a thing like character moving at the same speed as a platform beneath him, when it's been used in games forever?

The patent is about how the object's speed is calculated relative to the character's speed.