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SvennoJ said:
zeldaring said:

I'm right where you it's my third temple unlocked 2 turbines. It was pretty epic getting to the temple and fun. That's my highlights of the game climbing to the water temple and also the mud temple.

The water temple is the mud temple? But yeah both those climbs (done in the right order without Zonai shortcuts) are great. Just a shame I already did them backwards while exploring the map. The wind temple climb was still amazing, water temple climb was good, not as great but still fun.

The problem is the temples are so lackluster, especially after all that build up. The boss fights also don't feel like they do the sequence justice. They're not bad, merely decent,

My favorite sequences in the game are now:
- Lightning temple all of it
- Wind temple approach
- Exploring the Depths
- Lomei mazes
- Construct Factory

As for most disappointing: The caves and wells, the story presentation and the abundance of collectathons. The cave/well additions are a great idea, yet the implementation feels very generic and there are hardly any dark caves. There are very few caves with an interesting layout and those still look generic, bland brown tunnels. Most just feel like a copy paste spot to hide yet another bubble frog.

I ran into the Lucky Clover Gazette after leaving Rito village. So now just starting "Princess Sightings" after already having found Zelda and the Master Sword lol. Visit all the inns, run around time.

My favorite part about the game was the water temple. I like how they gave you clues and you had to explore and find everything plus it was my first temple. I just beat the wind temple it was a cool boss fight. Super easy though. I would not call it epic when it was just a bullet time fight.

Depths are my least favorite part of the game too much grind and basically a wasteland of nothingness it's not my idea of fun to constantly be throwing light seeds every 2 minutes I could care less about building.

As for the combat like you said there isn't combat in the game just abuse bullet time and once you have 2 champions they will kill and distract enemies for you.

Conclusion it's a 8 out 10 I really don't like anything they added and prefer botw and for its time botw is vastly better.