Wyrdness said: You lot are out of control with the crazy sh*t you're building. |
I didn't say I built the Hyrule Megazord! XD
Wyrdness said: You lot are out of control with the crazy sh*t you're building. |
I didn't say I built the Hyrule Megazord! XD
Wyrdness said: You lot are out of control with the crazy sh*t you're building. |
And it's much faster and safer to puff shroom sneak strike them! But it looks cool.
Meanwhile I just want a balloon that makes it out of the Depths before de-spawning :/ Or a way to look up while using a control stick.
SvennoJ said:
And it's much faster and safer to puff shroom sneak strike them! But it looks cool. |
I don't know what I like better, seeing the Hyrule Megazord assemble, or seeing it take out Bokoblins. ^^
Nintendo: "How can we increase the game's appeal?"
I found Korok dude last night, I just headed back to Lookout landing and there he is. It seems he's not running off to a new location this time so I spend my 35 Korok seeds I found so far. More shield space was most needed, means more rocket shields and slot for an elemental shield. I have my stamina maxed now, wish it could go higher, 40 blessings, 10 stamina containers (3 rings is the max) and currently back in the Depths to visit the forges, get the battery maxed next.
Lookout landing had a whole bunch of quests again, stuff is starting to pile up. Still no water temple, too many distractions along the way. Wells, bubble frogs, sign dude, korok pairs, shrines, caves, geoglyphs, it's rather overwhelming. I'm avoiding the sky towers atm not to open up more sky islands to explore as well lol. And back in the Depths to be able to focus for a bit!
SvennoJ said: I found Korok dude last night, I just headed back to Lookout landing and there he is. It seems he's not running off to a new location this time so I spend my 35 Korok seeds I found so far. More shield space was most needed, means more rocket shields and slot for an elemental shield. I have my stamina maxed now, wish it could go higher, 40 blessings, 10 stamina containers (3 rings is the max) and currently back in the Depths to visit the forges, get the battery maxed next. |
I like the Korok Seed upgrade dance better here than in Breath of The Wild because of how much sillier it is. XD
Still plodding on, still no water temple lol. I checked out the little secluded Depths pocket left of Hyrule castle. It just had one Frox inside. Then I decided to finish the Khoga quest first, another left over pocket in the Depths. But that led me through Rito village, thus more quests and caves along the way there lol. I'll ignore Rito village for now, they'll still be starving to death next month, no rush. Khoga final fight was a pita, just annoying with the scripted nonsense while putting you in a small boxed arena with walls that kill you and a low ceiling. But he's easy to evade so it became a long game of wearing him down a bit at a time as my weapons just don't damage bosses much at all. Yonobo was useless in the whole fight. Funny ending, worth it at least and some nice rewards.
Making my way towards the water temple again I figured I would go by the Forgotten temple which is on the way. Still the same as in BotW, however much less dangerous. Just 2 little Moblin camps inside while in BotW it was quite the difficult dangerous place to get into / through. And there's a shrine in the back now. I left it there, haven't checked yet if the giant statue is still there (should be I guess)
I wish there were more puzzle shrines, it seems the majority is either Rauru's blessing or proving grounds. I guess proving grounds are puzzles as well. Kinda lame that to make 'good game play' the game has to not only disable climbing walls and auto-build in shrines, now also has to remove all your gear lol. Shrines are a good place to replace all rockets on my shields. They spawn right back when you attach one to a shield.
I'm ignoring the sky towers as that reveals the sky islands, which aren't easy to keep track of where I've been. I want to do those by area to make sure I get all the bits, hence leaving the sky tower maps empty until I'm ready to explore the sky in that area. My memory of Hyrule is good enough anyway not to need a map of the surface, but would have been helpful when looking for the 4 ring ruins around Kakariko. I kept getting turned around by the dude calling me away from the floating one. Argh he teleported me again, where was I headed. Stop teleporting me!
Fierce Deity leg armour you are the bane of my existance!!
Where the hell are you hiding, I’ve spent hours trying to find you (but I must admit I’ve been side tracked a bit by other stuff on the way).
CaptainExplosion said:
I like the Korok Seed upgrade dance better here than in Breath of The Wild because of how much sillier it is. XD |
It is cute and silly! I dance my 6 month old to it!
I maxed out my slots a while ago though, so sadly I cannot see the dance anymore.
Still otw to the water temple. I did focus on the quest this time but it's so much back and forth ugh. Plus the writing is pretty awful or maybe it's the translation. Clues for the puzzles are terrible and often misleading. It also doesn't help that it's near impossible to read the location names on the map with it's yellow text on mostly yellowish map doh! Anyway I'm almost to the door, Sidon went ahead finally. I decided to check out the intended path (despite already exploring everything up there weeks ago) instead of flying straight there, lot of jumping between waterfalls. I love the game, but this open world setup really is not suited to the linear quest design Nintendo is trying to force into it. Putting more of the 'dungeon' in the open world is a hard fail so far.
Btw fastest mode of travel is swimming up a waterfall! When I looked back when swimming up to the sky island it was like taking off in a space shuttle.
Tonight I will clean the Zora domain! (maybe)
I'm doing the water temple now, just have to say, wow this is terrible. Wtf do the devs want me to do here. Every sensible solution simply breaks my tools. This is the worst game design, google it I guess. I can't mind read. Divine beasts were so much better!
Wth I tried that half an hour ago, didn't work (reading the solution now) This is so bad :/ But now I see why I couldn't activate these wheels earlier (in another place), Sidon has to do it... Why am I even here lol.
The rest was straight forward, or I guessed correctly what to do this time lol. (Trouble was with holding the gate up, it kept breaking everything I tried, all which makes more more sense than the official solution) The boss fight was pretty standard fare, predictable. But I did very much appreciate that there is a safe area where you can build something to help out. Probably not intended (since it seems the devs only want you to use what's laying around) but hilarious to see the boss duke it out with this hasty contraption:
Weak dungeon, 4 simple (but only one solution allowed) puzzles with no real traversal to solve between the areas. Yet the biggest lol are the Zora. "I want to give you this helm as thanks, but we haven't gotten it yet, back track here and go look for it." Same with the greaves, then this other dude tries to rip me off with a 22 dmg spear for 3 diamonds. Are you crazy!? So I go to the inn and don't even get a free night's stay! Wtf people, I'm going to plug your water source right back up.
Going back exploring next, sky islands, southwards. And I guess more shrines for more hearts since I have a bow that does 2 x (nr hearts) dmg, same as that spear the Zora want to sell me for 3 diamonds.