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Still otw to the water temple. I did focus on the quest this time but it's so much back and forth ugh. Plus the writing is pretty awful or maybe it's the translation. Clues for the puzzles are terrible and often misleading. It also doesn't help that it's near impossible to read the location names on the map with it's yellow text on mostly yellowish map doh! Anyway I'm almost to the door, Sidon went ahead finally. I decided to check out the intended path (despite already exploring everything up there weeks ago) instead of flying straight there, lot of jumping between waterfalls. I love the game, but this open world setup really is not suited to the linear quest design Nintendo is trying to force into it. Putting more of the 'dungeon' in the open world is a hard fail so far.

Btw fastest mode of travel is swimming up a waterfall! When I looked back when swimming up to the sky island it was like taking off in a space shuttle.

Tonight I will clean the Zora domain! (maybe)

I'm doing the water temple now, just have to say, wow this is terrible. Wtf do the devs want me to do here. Every sensible solution simply breaks my tools. This is the worst game design, google it I guess. I can't mind read. Divine beasts were so much better!

Wth I tried that half an hour ago, didn't work (reading the solution now) This is so bad :/ But now I see why I couldn't activate these wheels earlier (in another place), Sidon has to do it... Why am I even here lol.

The rest was straight forward, or I guessed correctly what to do this time lol. (Trouble was with holding the gate up, it kept breaking everything I tried, all which makes more more sense than the official solution) The boss fight was pretty standard fare, predictable. But I did very much appreciate that there is a safe area where you can build something to help out. Probably not intended (since it seems the devs only want you to use what's laying around) but hilarious to see the boss duke it out with this hasty contraption:


Weak dungeon, 4 simple (but only one solution allowed) puzzles with no real traversal to solve between the areas. Yet the biggest lol are the Zora. "I want to give you this helm as thanks, but we haven't gotten it yet, back track here and go look for it." Same with the greaves, then this other dude tries to rip me off with a 22 dmg spear for 3 diamonds. Are you crazy!? So I go to the inn and don't even get a free night's stay! Wtf people, I'm going to plug your water source right back up.

Going back exploring next, sky islands, southwards. And I guess more shrines for more hearts since I have a bow that does 2 x (nr hearts) dmg, same as that spear the Zora want to sell me for 3 diamonds.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 July 2023