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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012 - Round 20

you know i think 2012 users should be in the newcomer tournament,it should be like a ritual or something,it would be nice if you put what year people joined as i have to go check,some 2012ers have sneaked through with 5 full points,how slippery

5p- Noname(went all the way in the NFL regular & the steam santa man)
4p- Viper(quite a feisty game journalist i think)
3p- iamawesome(didn't manage the nfl regular season)
2p- Fox(2012er i think,i apologise if not) is it me or is the search system for anything VGC related just plain crap
1p- Mr Khan(when you are this far left you get 1 point)

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Around the Network

5p - Mr Khan
4p - F0X
3p - noname2200
2p - Viper1
1p - IamAwsome

5- Mr Khan (enjoys Xenoblade, I've helped him out a fair few times in the official thread and he's a good mod)
4- Noname (Secret Santa man, another Xenoblade fan I believe)
3- Viper (good posts)
2- FOX (Would be higher but you've been quiet lately...)
1- iamawesome (not seen that much)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

5p Mr Khan
4p FOX
3p noname2200
1p IamAwsome

Damn, hardest round for me so far. You're all great in my book. This is gonna require some text:

5p - Viper (Excellent user and I know his true identity. )
4p - Khan (You'd tie for first if it were up to me, but since you're kicking so much ass this round so far I have to give you second)
3p - Noname (Great guy)
2p - IamAwsome (Ditto)
1p - FOX (Sorry, the competition is strong with this one. You'd have been first against most other users)

Around the Network

5p Viper
4p Khan
3p Noname
2p FOX
1p Iamawesome

You guys are making it hard on us pitting our friends together :P

5p Mr Khan. I've personally hung out with the guy and he's awesome.

4p noname
3p Iamawesome
2p Viper
1p FOX

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

5p - Mr Khan(He scares me)
4p - IamAwesome
3p - F0X
2p - noname2200
1p - Viper1

5p - noname2200
4p - Mr Khan
3p - F0X
2p - Viper1
1p - IamAwsome

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

hatmoza said:

5p Mr Khan. I've personally hung out with the guy and he's awesome.

4p noname
3p Iamawesome
2p Viper
1p FOX

Consider your face revealed, Mr Khan.