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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which nextgen home console will sell the most in 2014?

lmao wow....

PSn - greencactaur
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newwil7l said:
The next box followed by Wii u then the ps4



alllllrighty then ;)

Reading these expert opinions is hilarious.
op needs to come back!!!

BeElite said:
Reading these expert opinions is hilarious.
op needs to come back!!!

Good thing we have you here.

Ka-pi96 said:

Thread title really made me wonder. I thought why would anyone make a thread like this when the winner of this year is already obvious.

Welp that's necrobumps for ya.

Too bad the OP isn't around anymore. His reaction to the current situation would have been sweet.

I doubt he cares as much as you.

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trollface90 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Thread title really made me wonder. I thought why would anyone make a thread like this when the winner of this year is already obvious.

Welp that's necrobumps for ya.

Too bad the OP isn't around anymore. His reaction to the current situation would have been sweet.

I doubt he cares as much as you.

Hey phenom08. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Jay520 said:

- - - - The following quote is from phenom08's original post, before the PS4/Xbone launched - - - -

notice the bolded portion of the text:

phenom08 said:

Many posters here believe WiiU will sell roughly half of the Wii(about 50mil) or even less. If they believe that then they probably also believe WiiU will be in 3rd. That would suggest at some point in time nextbox and ps4 will begin outselling WiiU. My question is when that will begin happening? Will they sell more from launch day and beyond? Will it be 2014? 2015? 2016? 2017?

P.S. I cant wait to necro this thread lol. So much crow will be served.

- - - - The following quotes are words from phenom08 after the PS4/Xbone launched - - - -

phenom08 said:

Wow you whine so much. I have nothing to run from lol. 2014 hasnt even began, which means its undecided. I dont give a damn about Ps4s launch, its not apart of 2014. My sig was removed, you think i would do that on purpose? You know me better than that. It was removed for me because I need your permission. Now stop whining so much. You are way less fun than pezus. Did you see what he did to my quote in this thread recently?


phenom08 said:

Where did I show no faith? I still stick with WiiU in 2014. Its the Sony fans that are hoping its launch figures continue.


phenom08 said:

Can you read? Its says 2014. 2013 is irrelevant. Why couldnt they do the same in US?

Note the sudden change of mind.


I must say, I'm disappointed in you phenom. You didn't even have the decency to edit your original post. 

Its truly funny seeing how much you and mummel jump on him. All you did was cherrypick statements he made, you took it all out of context.

Fusioncode said:
trollface90 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Thread title really made me wonder. I thought why would anyone make a thread like this when the winner of this year is already obvious.

Welp that's necrobumps for ya.

Too bad the OP isn't around anymore. His reaction to the current situation would have been sweet.

I doubt he cares as much as you.

Hey phenom08. 

I doubt he would wait this long but hey.

I must admit reading zeros and phenoms post made me join this site. The amount of hate Ninty recieves is truly something.

OT: Looks like PS4 did its thang from launch, good for it. Not looking good for any of the consoles though. PS4 wont keep up with Wii despite its massive launch is a huge letdown. Thank 3rd parties for that.

Mummelmann said:
Like I said; amazing.

Only wrong I see is out of you. Constantly attacking him with post from other threads is truly something. He's right about you.