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Forums - General Discussion - VGChartz newcomer of the year 2012 - Nominations


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Aha, TheKingofRedLions counts for a 2012 user? Excellent :D I'll vote him too

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

I need to throw out some love for the class of 2012. So many good friends and posters.

pokoko (really balanced and smart user)
tbone51 (he's so prolific!)
TheLastStarFighter (one of the best writers on the site)
osed125 (great thread creator)
Player2 (really funny guy and a valuable resource when it comes to Pokemon and old-school games)
S.Peelman (Zelda fans have to stick together)
Kresnik (fellow Vita owner, and a good guy to have in the trenches with you)
Vinniegambini (my first Wii U friend)
DanneSandin (a great poster with an even better attitude)
THE1 (wise beyond his years, and a fellow Halo fanatic)

Keep up the good work, guys! I'm proud to know you.

Mnementh said:
Lelouch_Vi_Brittania said:


Lelouch, you're also from 2012? I get the feeling that 2012 is the second best year for new VGC-users (after 2007, the 007-year).

Yes, 2012, but I started posting more intesively (not so much '-' ) in the end of december, so I was unnoticed T_T




I'll vote for tbone51, because he's a pokemon fan

Also, he's the only new user i know lol :P

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Alright, alright. I figured it would be out of place for a newcomer to nominate other newcomers for this, but since other are doing it I might as well .

The following couple are the ones I can think of right now of who's posts I continue to enjoy:


  • Kresnik - Always comments in a fair way, regardless of bias. Also, when it comes to a certain genre of games, we seem to like exactly the same ones!
  • Veknoid_Outcast - Like he said; Zelda fans stick together. Also, a very dedicated poster in the Nintendo threads.
  • |||THE1||| - Always knows what he's talking about, seems like a wise man but still, can be humorous. A deadly combo.
  • tbone51 - He's everywhere. And always friendly too. If there's anyone that knows how to advertise himself, it's him!
  • bananaking21  - Even though I do not always agree with what he has to say, I cannot ignore his firm dedication to speak his mind and defend his views.
  • DanneSandin - Looks like he's been here for much longer. It's probably because of all the news he keeps bringing to the table.
Sorry if I forgot you, there's more good posters from last year of course! Also, thanks to those who mentioned humble me in their lists .

I nominated Chunli,

yes because she is female.. it's been a long time we had a woman on the site


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 


No, I'm just kidding. I haven't been active enough on this site yet to really get consideration.

Totally forgot about Player2. Excellent new user and what a cool name. Before the gamertags and psn id's there was player 1 and "player2".