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I need to throw out some love for the class of 2012. So many good friends and posters.

pokoko (really balanced and smart user)
tbone51 (he's so prolific!)
TheLastStarFighter (one of the best writers on the site)
osed125 (great thread creator)
Player2 (really funny guy and a valuable resource when it comes to Pokemon and old-school games)
S.Peelman (Zelda fans have to stick together)
Kresnik (fellow Vita owner, and a good guy to have in the trenches with you)
Vinniegambini (my first Wii U friend)
DanneSandin (a great poster with an even better attitude)
THE1 (wise beyond his years, and a fellow Halo fanatic)

Keep up the good work, guys! I'm proud to know you.