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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

walsufnir said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Fantastic come back! It was only a matter of time

Also before any Xbox fans reply doing damage control I be leave IDC over your opinion or using vg data which is not very well reported when it comes to some parts of Europe (Sonys big territory)

1. What does VGC have to do with shipped numbers?

2. We will have official shipment numbers in the next few weeks.  This will be right or wrong very soon, OFFICIALLY.  If Sony man up and release actual data that is, unlike the last two quarters.


Damage control. Damage ccontrol

cool story bro, PS3 finally where it deserves to be :) have a lovely day

second, way behind nintendo? perhaps :)

Better then 3rd behind a system that was double the price and launched a year later :)

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kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
77 million for PS3 means 7 million from November 4th to 31st December... hard to believe.

It would also mean an annual shipment of 14.97m for the calendar year of 2012, with 11.37m being shipped from July 1st to Dec 31st.

Previous 2 years full years:

2010: 14.4m

2011: 14.1m


This announcement would need 7m in the last two months.  Previous last qtr shipments (3 months)

2010: 6.31m

2011: 6.50m


this IDC # was talking about in "Dec" that the PS3 over took the Xbox360 in shipment number's due to the fact for the Past 3 year's straight Sony's shipment number's from sept. to the end of Nov WAS 6.3 MILLION SHIPMENT+ That would make it at the end of Nov. roughly if you take the lowest shipment 6.3 that Sony has had in the past 3 year's Q3 shipment's it would still put the PS3 LTD = to 76.5 million upto the end of Nov 2012 that is if you are taking the lowest NUMBER of sytems that Sony has shipped in a single Q3 for the past 3 year's . So even taking the lowest 1.9 for Q4 FROM THE PAST 3 YEAR'S THE TOTAL WOULD STILL PUT THE NUMBER'S TO 8.2 TAKING THE LOWEST SHIPMENT number from the past 3 year's from the start of Sept to the end of Feb. which would be total shipment number for Q3+Q4= 8.2 Million


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

PlaystaionGamer said:
walsufnir said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
kowenicki said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Fantastic come back! It was only a matter of time

Also before any Xbox fans reply doing damage control I be leave IDC over your opinion or using vg data which is not very well reported when it comes to some parts of Europe (Sonys big territory)

1. What does VGC have to do with shipped numbers?

2. We will have official shipment numbers in the next few weeks.  This will be right or wrong very soon, OFFICIALLY.  If Sony man up and release actual data that is, unlike the last two quarters.


Damage control. Damage ccontrol

cool story bro, PS3 finally where it deserves to be :) have a lovely day

second, way behind nintendo? perhaps :)

Better then 3rd behind a system that was double the price and launched a year later :)

yes, waaaayyy better! ;) 

Kowen, you are really wasting your time. You are a 360 fan and he is a Sony fan. There will be no cross point between both of you. If he believes the number, that is fine. It is his choice.

Well, we, 360 fans, should be very pleased with 360 sales performance through this generation and very pleased with markshare 360 gained in this generation.

Let us just expect that MS solve the mainland Europe issue and at least add more 0.5m sales in Janpan for nextxbox.

kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
kowenicki said:
GameAnalyser said:
Now VGChartz should be checking and updating accordingly. It's time for the adjustments. I still believe PS3 is under tracked by atleast 1mn margin.

how long have you thought this for?

Post Q4 2011.

Then we have a problem.....

First column is shipped, second column is sold, 3rd column is the difference:

How can there be more sold than shipped?

If VGC is a million off then in March then shipped would be 63.93 and sold would be 64.45 = 520k more sold than shipped.

If VGC is a million off then in June sold would be 66.07 and shipped would be 65.63 = 440k more sold than shipped.


So you can see why your belief is impossible and you are wrong.

First of all, to initiate a clear debate over this issue, I would like to know where the shipped numbers  are coming from. What sources do  you use to put up those numbers in that shipped column? Post the links and I'm open to discuss.

er.... Sony.

Yeah, and let the FY 2012 figures be put up as well, which will help us to discuss more about this. Moreover Post Q4 2011, I tried to imply anything after fiscal year 2011. I didn't realize for Sony it was March 31st up until now. Thanks for the link post.

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Does it really matter this late in the "7th gen"?

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

People say it is Marathon between PS3 and X360 and now PS3 is on par or have some leads comparing to X360. But I would say this is a Marathon between Playstation brand and Xbox brand.

Playstation brand departured 6~7 years earlier than Xbox and what I saw is the Xbox brand is catching up and the gap between 2 brands is getting narrowed.

MS, please fix your issue in Mainland Europe and Japan.

Chark said:
Chark said:
Chark said:
Chark said:
*Accidentally pops the champagne.....drinks it anyway*


Peaps aree just thhaaaat hherd off not to lick the pStree they make the fuzzz. *passes out*

Ooooooh my head is killing me.....

Man, what happened last night? I think I shipped my pants.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

zhao3gold said:
Kowen, you are really wasting your time. You are a 360 fan and he is a Sony fan. There will be no cross point between both of you. If he believes the number, that is fine. It is his choice.

Problem is: one is arguing with numbers and facts, the other one just believes :) So yes, their style of arguing is totally different.

kowenicki said:
joeorc said:
zhao3gold said:
Playstation 3 was shipped approximate 6.5million in Q4 of calenda year 2011. If I were not wrong, this year all consoles had some declines. PS3 might have the smallest decling trend comparing to its competitors, so maximumly PS3 might be shipped < 6.5million through October to December, 2012.

Based on IDC report, PS3 was shipped roughly 7million in 2 months. It seemed wrong considering the decline. But it is too difficult to finalize it. If Sony really shipped 7million+ through Q4, it might be over shipped the consoles, just like what people said about X360 last year.

"PS3 was shipped roughly 7million in 2 months. It seemed wrong considering the decline. But it is too difficult to finalize it. If Sony really shipped 7million+ through Q4, it might be over shipped the consoles, just like what people said about X360 last year."

if that Has been the case than Sony has over shipped every 3rd Quarter for d@mn near every 3rd Quarter since 2009?

FY2009 -6.5 + Q4-2.2 = 8.7 from the end of Aug to the end of Feb

FY2010-6.3 + Q4-2.1 = 8.4  from the end of Aug to the end of Feb

FY2011-6.5 + Q4-1.9 = 8.4 from the end of Aug to the end of Feb

So LTD # UPTO THE END OF Aug 2012 was 70.2 million shipped

Even taking the Lowest it's Been for Q3 for the past 3 year's it would still have the PS3 shipped to the 76.5 Million total shipped without

including Dec 2012 Number's

WOW. LMAO. So much fail here.  Its an incomprehensible load of nonsense.  You dont seem to be able to add up or read a calendar.

1.  The FY end is March 31st not february.

2. Always best to actually check these things:

From the SONY WEBSITE: (to March 31st 2012)


No need for any maths.... Check out those Qtr3 shipments.


and you do know there is no d@mn way they will have their number's on time right?  remember it's not like they get their Number on the end of March 31 as soon as Apr 1'st roll's around?

their number's are not going to be upto day and date, because you have to ship for the upcoming month because you and i both know they produce what the retail chain's reorder number's dictate! just because they are always going to be shiping out for the Up coming Quarter!

the Number's by the end of said Quarter do not come in all at once there Sparky all on the same time. God have you ever worked in shipping at all?


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.