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kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
77 million for PS3 means 7 million from November 4th to 31st December... hard to believe.

It would also mean an annual shipment of 14.97m for the calendar year of 2012, with 11.37m being shipped from July 1st to Dec 31st.

Previous 2 years full years:

2010: 14.4m

2011: 14.1m


This announcement would need 7m in the last two months.  Previous last qtr shipments (3 months)

2010: 6.31m

2011: 6.50m


this IDC # was talking about in "Dec" that the PS3 over took the Xbox360 in shipment number's due to the fact for the Past 3 year's straight Sony's shipment number's from sept. to the end of Nov WAS 6.3 MILLION SHIPMENT+ That would make it at the end of Nov. roughly if you take the lowest shipment 6.3 that Sony has had in the past 3 year's Q3 shipment's it would still put the PS3 LTD = to 76.5 million upto the end of Nov 2012 that is if you are taking the lowest NUMBER of sytems that Sony has shipped in a single Q3 for the past 3 year's . So even taking the lowest 1.9 for Q4 FROM THE PAST 3 YEAR'S THE TOTAL WOULD STILL PUT THE NUMBER'S TO 8.2 TAKING THE LOWEST SHIPMENT number from the past 3 year's from the start of Sept to the end of Feb. which would be total shipment number for Q3+Q4= 8.2 Million


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.