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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

ninjablade said:
JokerCompany said:
LOL a lot of fanboy's in here can't handle the truth.

numbers are wrong.

How do you know?

What exactly make's them wrong?

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JokerCompany said:
LOL a lot of fanboy's in here can't handle the truth.

right. interesting that arbitrary site pushing out arbitrary numbers and the sony-fanboys take it for real while totally disregarding reality (or, as you said, truth).


Fair enough. Although if that is the case then what does that make the people paying them all that money??
Surely they wouldn't unless IDC has a decent track record.



Just spit my coffee out after see this news, seriously...this is not real man 0_____0

If these numbers are true wouldn't Sony's new sku be the reason for this. Stores would need more shipments since they would have to carry the Slim and Super Slim. This would also mean you couldn't use the demand/sales argument since Sony needed to stock an extra sku over the holidays. So pretty much every store needed double shipments from Sony.

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riderz13371 said:
MB1025 said:
Just need a quick explanation.

Why do shipped numbers mean anything? Shouldn't the only thing that matters is how many people actually buy your console? I mean just because you ship your console doesn't mean it actual sold it would just be sitting on a shelf. Or when companies say shipped to they also mean sold?

Shipped is sold to a company. The retailer purchases that product to put it on store shelves. Sony/Microsoft don't give away their products to retailers for free...

I understand that, but just because a companies buys your product to put on the shelf doesn't mean a thing. You don't make consoles to sit on shelves. You make them to sell to consumers who then turn around and buy software. I see to many people getting so excited over shipped numbers all the time when I would rather have sold numners.

If this is true, then congrats to Sony and Playstation 3.

But it does not mean X360 lost the console war. In this generation, it is really difficult to point out who is the loser. At least for me, I am so pleased to see such huge market share Microsoft/X360 gained in this generation.

zhao3gold said:
If this is true, then congrats to Sony and Playstation 3.

But it does not mean X360 lost the console war. In this generation, it is really difficult to point out who is the loser. At least for me, I am so pleased to see such huge market share Microsoft/X360 gained in this generation.

I think all three companies were winners to varying degrees this gen. Sony moreso because of the PSP than the PS3.

kowenicki said:
Branko2166 said:

Fair enough. Although if that is the case then what does that make the people paying them all that money??
Surely they wouldn't unless IDC has a decent track record.

But they don't. Every time I see IDC quoted in a gaming forum it's with something bizarre. 

I guess you mean to say that it's mainly their gaming predictions which are rubbish then??

Because they must do a decent overall job to stay afloat.



Some people are so quick to believe anything they read.