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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Ps3 will FINALLY pass the xbox360 at some point,so what,s the big deal?it,s only 2013


imagine when it happens. there'll be threads full of only sony fans. i doubt microsoft fans will even show up,

Im sure some will show up to congratulate Sony on 2nd place.

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Nevermore said:
It probably will overtake the xbox, but even if it does by a margin, I would still consider the PS3 the looser of this gen (sales wise). Why? While selling a couple more console will give Sony a nice chunk of change in their pockets, it doesn't remotely cover the extra money MS made with software sales during all that time in which they had a bigger market share. This gen will be long over by the time Sony would have truly equalled MS.

Anyway, that's just the money perspecting. I still prefer the Sony exclusives over the MS and Nintendo ones.

The PS3 still continues to sell at a pace that matters for Sony. And consistency was kept up round the years since 2009's slim launch. Although sales-wise the true impact wasn't created with respect to MS software sales  in US, I would still say Sony emerged from loosing this gen to ultimately winning it from behind by gradually improving the market share over the years.

Somini said:
HesAPooka said:
thismeintiel said:

Of course MS fans will be on those threads, just as they are now.  Claiming it doesn't matter, while they count the days til the 360 passes the Wii in the UK and US.


Quoted for speaking the truth my friend.

quoted for truth, knowing the truth, and acknowledging the truth.

@ thismeintiel i hadn't even thought to mention that, but it's the one thing MS fans over look and likely won't admit. one things for sure. it will get mentioned.

and the war rages on....................

GameAnalyser said:
Nevermore said:
It probably will overtake the xbox, but even if it does by a margin, I would still consider the PS3 the looser of this gen (sales wise). Why? While selling a couple more console will give Sony a nice chunk of change in their pockets, it doesn't remotely cover the extra money MS made with software sales during all that time in which they had a bigger market share. This gen will be long over by the time Sony would have truly equalled MS.

Anyway, that's just the money perspecting. I still prefer the Sony exclusives over the MS and Nintendo ones.

The PS3 still continues to sell at a pace that matters for Sony. And consistency was kept up round the years since 2009's slim launch. Although sales-wise the true impact wasn't created with respect to MS software sales  in US, I would still say Sony emerged from loosing this gen to ultimately winning it from behind by gradually improving the market share over the years.

yea, it's funny how ultimately PS3, 360, and Wii could end up with 30% market share at some point, and if PS360 sales hold up like Wii's, then all 3 will have a long after life.

If anyone asked me I would say that the Xbox 360 lost this generation not PS3, the reason for this in that the 360 came out in November 2005 and the PS3 in December 2006. As well as the PS3 came out in Europe and Australia in March 2007. So the 360 got a one year and a half head start than Sony. Just because North America /USA sties to make people believe the PS3 lost does't mean the Sony is the looser. Look at the good old days of PlayStation and Nintendo where kings of the console market. But Microsoft has not won a generation which makes them the losers and I am not trying to have a go at anyone and people know it's the truth. If anyone asked me if Xbox won vs PS3 I would say no because the new PlayStation or Xbox have not even been officially anounced so it still continues.

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Miguel_Zorro said:
PsicloneX said:

Hi all i have seen many a thread announcing the inevitable passing of the xbox360 by the ps3,and for some it seems like such a big hoopla.but why?

this gen is virtually over.if the systems were in reverse positions it would be a different story,hmmmmm?please enlighten me as to why one system,brand is held in such high regards,and is allowed to get aways with almost any mis-steps while the others are demonized?HAPPY 2013 TO ALL.

may we all try to live in harmony in the next gen.

It's not ok to write like this.  You need to work on your writing style. 

Or should I say...

its.not,ok write this need,to work on your

Hey, English may not be his first language.  At least I hope it's not.

@ Nsanity

You're probaby right.  MS fans are always some the first to come into positve Sony threads and congratulate Sony on its milestones.  Oh wait...

But PS3 does have a chance of winning the 360 tho. At the end it does not even matter because all console have done very well this generation, that means Nintendo, Sony & Microsoft have still survived which makes every console gamer happy. 😄

Here is hoping the PS3 passing 360 finally puts an end to these monthly topics.

Nsanity said:

imagine when it happens. there'll be threads full of only sony fans. i doubt microsoft fans will even show up,

Im sure some will show up to congratulate Sony on 2nd place.

sony fans will return the favour and congratulate microsoft on 3rd place.

Nsanity said:

Here is hoping the PS3 passing 360 finally puts an end to these monthly topics.

2013, it will finally happen.

It would be hilarious if it happens a month after 720 launches.