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Forums - Sales Discussion - NDS to be Highest Seller of All Time

pezus said:
jonnybmk said:
pezus said:
spurgeonryan said:
Feels like we are thing to prove to Catholics that Earth is not the center of the universe! DS and Nintendo won. Live with it.

Spurge, cut the crap and look at the evidence. PS2 had shipped 153.6m OVER A YEAR AGO! That's more than the DS has sold to consumers right now. Sony projected 16m PS2+PS3 shipments for this fiscal year. Are you expecting all of them to be for the PS3, 15m, 14m, 13m? Look at the sales and see what makes sense. Also, understand that VGChartz has stopped fucking tracking the PS2. Jesus christ.

Chill out, dude. :^|

I won't chill out when someone compares this to "proving to Catholics that Earth is not the center of the universe". That is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard, especially since he is the one who refuses to look at the evidence.

Well, his evidence is numbers posted on this site.

Some people have called the posted numbers into question.

Debate ensued, and I post a pic of a third world country with all of their PS2s:


Then everyone restated their points again.

Soon we shall all move on.

Around the Network
pezus said:
Metallicube said:
cookingyourmama said:

Sigh, i wish people would stop with this FUD. The PS2 is the highest selling console of all time and just because Vgchartz has stopped updating the PS2 numbers on this site doesn't some how change the fact that in the real world the PS2 is still out selling the DS.

Even if vgchartz has completely stopped updating PS2s numbers, Sony just released their own on Nov. 2011 that stated it has sold 153.6 million million, which is essentially the same numbers vgchartz has. Although it's been a year since that update, I highly doubt Sony has sold a significant number of PS2s since then, as the console is now 12 years old. I'd give it another million tops, and that's being generous. So while DS probably hasn't "officially" outsold PS2 yet, it certainly will in the near future. I don't know where certain people are getting this information at that Sony has sold 160 + million PS2s from..

Lol, that's not "being generous". Sony themselves expect around 3m for this fiscal year.

Shipped or sold? Even if Sony manages to sell 3 million of a 12 year old console, DS should still be able to sell more during that span, considering it is 4 years younger..

ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

pfffhahahhaa. PS2 is ahead in real life, leave the Earth if you don't like it (Pun intended). People come to this site to get general information (among other things) and if there are people like you (and there are a MASSIVE amount of them) who think that the DS has outsold the PS2, then you will give out false information becaues you follow VGChartz figures (for some reason) for the PS2 as opposed the actual figures.

People need to learn to follow several sources as opposed to just one, it leads to less ignorance and will make less people look like ASStronaut.

A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

pfffhahahhaa. PS2 is ahead in real life, leave the Earth if you don't like it (Pun intended). People come to this site to get general information (among other things) and if there are people like you (and there are a MASSIVE amount of them) who think that the DS has outsold the PS2, then you will give out false information becaues you follow VGChartz figures (for some reason) for the PS2 as opposed the actual figures.

People need to learn to follow several sources as opposed to just one, it leads to less ignorance and will make less people look like ASStronaut.

PS2 is not selling in massive numbers anywhere in the world. Why do you think it is?

Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode

XBOX Live ID, Borode

Congratulations to Nintendo and the DS.
DS, the best selling gaming machine of all time.

Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode

XBOX Live ID, Borode

Around the Network
ASStronaut said:
A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

pfffhahahhaa. PS2 is ahead in real life, leave the Earth if you don't like it (Pun intended). People come to this site to get general information (among other things) and if there are people like you (and there are a MASSIVE amount of them) who think that the DS has outsold the PS2, then you will give out false information becaues you follow VGChartz figures (for some reason) for the PS2 as opposed the actual figures.

People need to learn to follow several sources as opposed to just one, it leads to less ignorance and will make less people look like ASStronaut.

PS2 is not selling in massive numbers anywhere in the world. Why do you think it is?

...What? OK I didn't say it was selling massive amounts but for an eleven year old console to still sells over millions is quite a feat and is enough to keep its reign as highest selling gaming console of all time. It's just simple facts, all you need to do is come back down to Earth (Pun intended) and accept them.

A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

pfffhahahhaa. PS2 is ahead in real life, leave the Earth if you don't like it (Pun intended). People come to this site to get general information (among other things) and if there are people like you (and there are a MASSIVE amount of them) who think that the DS has outsold the PS2, then you will give out false information becaues you follow VGChartz figures (for some reason) for the PS2 as opposed the actual figures.

People need to learn to follow several sources as opposed to just one, it leads to less ignorance and will make less people look like ASStronaut.

PS2 is not selling in massive numbers anywhere in the world. Why do you think it is?

...What? OK I didn't say it was selling massive amounts but for an eleven year old console to still sells over millions is quite a feat and is enough to keep its reign as highest selling gaming console of all time. It's just simple facts, all you need to do is come back down to Earth (Pun intended) and accept them.

No evidence = No facts

Wii U Nintendo Network ID, Borode

XBOX Live ID, Borode

ASStronaut said:
A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
A_C_E said:
ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

pfffhahahhaa. PS2 is ahead in real life, leave the Earth if you don't like it (Pun intended). People come to this site to get general information (among other things) and if there are people like you (and there are a MASSIVE amount of them) who think that the DS has outsold the PS2, then you will give out false information becaues you follow VGChartz figures (for some reason) for the PS2 as opposed the actual figures.

People need to learn to follow several sources as opposed to just one, it leads to less ignorance and will make less people look like ASStronaut.

PS2 is not selling in massive numbers anywhere in the world. Why do you think it is?

...What? OK I didn't say it was selling massive amounts but for an eleven year old console to still sells over millions is quite a feat and is enough to keep its reign as highest selling gaming console of all time. It's just simple facts, all you need to do is come back down to Earth (Pun intended) and accept them.

No evidence = No facts

OK! so since Nintendo 'won' do you want me to bring the popcorn to this party?

Ok ok, seems we're talking in circles here.. It seems people here are either stating the DS has already outsold PS2, or that it never will. Funny, because I think both of those statements are wrong.. Now from what I gather, where we stand is:

- PS2 has in fact, NOT sold 153 million and has sold more since, as those numbers reflect Sony's reports from a year ago.

-However, I think it's also pretty clear that DS WILL eventually surpass PS2's numbers, as it has still sold 8 million units last year and nearly another 3 million this year so far. Sony has in comparison reportedly sold 4 million PS2s in fiscal year 2011, half of the DS's numbers.

- That is all we KNOW. The rest is mere speculation as Sony hasn't given us a more up-to-date report after last year, and this site has ceased its tracking of the numbers. So where we stand is anyone's guess.

-However, I highly highly, highly doubt that Sony has managed to sell multiple millions of its 12 year old PS2, especially when you consider that last year, they only sold 4 million. Sure it may be open to several more markets, but honestly how many units can these very minor markets push? Let alone of a console that is so aged as the PS2? To think the PS2 has sold much more than an additional 2 million tops after Sony's last report of 153 million from a year ago is nothing short of wishful thinking.

- This would put the PS2 roughly at 155-156 million, and DS at roughly 153-154 million, giving the DS around 2 million of ground to gain. I think that's entirely possible, considering it is poised to sell over 3 million this year alone.

- So in conclusion, I think we can logically state that while DS has not YET passed the PS2, it is still gaining ground and almost certainly will reach it at some point.

Metallicube said:
Ok ok, seems we're talking in circles here.. It seems people here are either stating the DS has already outsold PS2, or that it never will. Funny, because I think both of those statements are wrong.. Now from what I gather, where we stand is:

- PS2 has in fact, NOT sold 153 million and has sold more since, as those numbers reflect Sony's reports from a year ago.

-However, I think it's also pretty clear that DS WILL eventually surpass PS2's numbers, as it has still sold 8 million units last year and nearly another 3 million this year so far. Sony has in comparison reportedly sold 4 million PS2s in fiscal year 2011, half of the DS's numbers.

- That is all we KNOW. The rest is mere speculation as Sony hasn't given us a more up-to-date report after last year, and this site has ceased its tracking of the numbers. So where we stand is anyone's guess.

-However, I highly highly, highly doubt that Sony has managed to sell multiple millions of its 12 year old PS2, especially when you consider that last year, they only sold 4 million. Sure it may be open to several more markets, but honestly how many units can these very minor markets push? Let alone of a console that is so aged as the PS2? To think the PS2 has sold much more than an additional 2 million tops after Sony's last report of 153 million from a year ago is nothing short of wishful thinking.

- This would put the PS2 roughly at 155-156 million, and DS at roughly 153-154 million, giving the DS around 2 million of ground to gain. I think that's entirely possible, considering it is poised to sell over 3 million this year alone.

- So in conclusion, I think we can logically state that while DS has not YET passed the PS2, it is still gaining ground and almost certainly will reach it at some point.

No Evidence = No Facts

I'm just kidding but yeah the DS is falling way too much and the 3DS will only cut into the DS's sales more next year.

Also, Im not sure if I remember correctly but I'm sure one of the PS2's quarters this year outsold the one prior to this year in the same quarter and for a bit of the year actually had YoY gains. If my memory serves me well then this adds to the premise of the DS falling too much as opposed to the PS2 falling more gradually. But I have no evidence or sources so don't take my word for it.