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Ok ok, seems we're talking in circles here.. It seems people here are either stating the DS has already outsold PS2, or that it never will. Funny, because I think both of those statements are wrong.. Now from what I gather, where we stand is:

- PS2 has in fact, NOT sold 153 million and has sold more since, as those numbers reflect Sony's reports from a year ago.

-However, I think it's also pretty clear that DS WILL eventually surpass PS2's numbers, as it has still sold 8 million units last year and nearly another 3 million this year so far. Sony has in comparison reportedly sold 4 million PS2s in fiscal year 2011, half of the DS's numbers.

- That is all we KNOW. The rest is mere speculation as Sony hasn't given us a more up-to-date report after last year, and this site has ceased its tracking of the numbers. So where we stand is anyone's guess.

-However, I highly highly, highly doubt that Sony has managed to sell multiple millions of its 12 year old PS2, especially when you consider that last year, they only sold 4 million. Sure it may be open to several more markets, but honestly how many units can these very minor markets push? Let alone of a console that is so aged as the PS2? To think the PS2 has sold much more than an additional 2 million tops after Sony's last report of 153 million from a year ago is nothing short of wishful thinking.

- This would put the PS2 roughly at 155-156 million, and DS at roughly 153-154 million, giving the DS around 2 million of ground to gain. I think that's entirely possible, considering it is poised to sell over 3 million this year alone.

- So in conclusion, I think we can logically state that while DS has not YET passed the PS2, it is still gaining ground and almost certainly will reach it at some point.