Excellent. You got any data for older consoles?
I remember reading that N64 sold about 500k in its first week, shocking to think it only sold an additional 5m after that. Just goes to show that a stong launch doesn't equal long term success.
Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen? | |||
yes | 65 | 75.58% | |
no | 3 | 3.49% | |
show me the money! | 7 | 8.14% | |
Total: | 75 |
Excellent. You got any data for older consoles?
I remember reading that N64 sold about 500k in its first week, shocking to think it only sold an additional 5m after that. Just goes to show that a stong launch doesn't equal long term success.
retroking1981 said: Excellent. You got any data for older consoles? I remember reading that N64 sold about 500k in its first week, shocking to think it only sold an additional 5m after that. Just goes to show that a stong launch doesn't equal long term success. |
N64 sold great out of the gate and even for the first 3-4 years in North America, but in Europe/Japan it was a tough sell with so few games.
Really had Nintendo given the system a CD-drive, it would've sold 3-4x the amount IMO. It would've been a monster, the fact that it sold so well given such limited developer support was amazing.
Just realised that N64 sold 9% of it's LT total in it's first week.
If WiiU followed that trend it would only finish on 3.4m
retroking1981 said: Excellent. You got any data for older consoles? I remember reading that N64 sold about 500k in its first week, shocking to think it only sold an additional 5m after that. Just goes to show that a stong launch doesn't equal long term success. |
Media Create only goes back far enough to include the DS and PSP launch numbers. I wouldn't want to start mixing trackers given the differences on a weekly basis between the two.
Oh man this week's numbers are terrible. Looks like Nintendo's actions at trying to save the 3DS went bad and ended up hurting the WiiU. (I mean seriously who needs 2 NSMB in the same year.)
At this rate I think people are just expecting a price cut like the 3DS had Nintendo really needs to overthink it's strategies again.
http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/profile/92109/nintendopie/ Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)
DanneSandin said: Yeah, Nintendo is really fucking up the Wii U. They might have launched it too early... Except for NSMBU they don't have any system seller, and they really need to show what the system is capable of; right now it's only as good as PS360... |
Personally, I feel it launched two years too late. If it'd launched alongside Kinect/Move it would have distracted from those and been much more novel than a touch screen is now (when people often own multiple touch screen devices already).
Now the suspense. Anyone can win when your enemy got it wrong. Only the best has the will and the might to win when your enemy got it right!!! For Wii U, as well as its supporters, the dark hour is upon us. Do we have it in us to fight?
Gamerace said:
Personally, I feel it launched two years too late. If it'd launched alongside Kinect/Move it would have distracted from those and been much more novel than a touch screen is now (when people often own multiple touch screen devices already). |
I kind of agree with you. The touch screen would have been great back a while back and would have sold the system, but that would have cut in on the Wii sales and launching in the middle of a gen is never good; just look at SEga. They tried to get the jump on the competition with the DC...
I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!
Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.
DanneSandin said:
I kind of agree with you. The touch screen would have been great back a while back and would have sold the system, but that would have cut in on the Wii sales and launching in the middle of a gen is never good; just look at SEga. They tried to get the jump on the competition with the DC... |
Nonsense, 360 launched only four years after the Xbox. And considering how 'under-powered' the Wii was, gamers would have accepted it (and Pachter could have claimed to be right for once). It would have maintain the Wii brand momentum and Wii could continue to sell to the more casual price conscious consumer.
Gamerace said:
The problem is that the WiiU in and of itself is like the Dreamcast: Woefully under-powered, and is likely to bear little resembalance to the other consoles. Nintendo could have kept up the Wii's momentum, but they've shot themselves in the foot by trying to coat-tail on the Wii's success.
Back from the dead, I'm afraid.