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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
DanneSandin said:
runqvist said:
So even the 20 million sold gamecube had a better launch than Wii U. That is pretty bad. It won't be long before those sub 100k numbers show up.

as far as i understand it, the original xbox sold more at launch than the 360, so launches isnt much to go by it would seem...


GC also had a better launch than the Wii which will end at over 100m so I fail to see your point.

Don't get me wrong I agree that sub 100k numbers for the WiiU are incoming and I don't see it getting anywhere near Wii numbers life time. Best case scenario I think is SNES numbers (50m ish) and worst case GC (20m ish)


agreed, like I said in a previous post. In 2001/02 people genrally have more cash to burn so I'm not suprise the consoles from that gen release so well


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retroking1981 said:
DanneSandin said:
runqvist said:
So even the 20 million sold gamecube had a better launch than Wii U. That is pretty bad. It won't be long before those sub 100k numbers show up.

as far as i understand it, the original xbox sold more at launch than the 360, so launches isnt much to go by it would seem...


GC also had a better launch than the Wii which will end at over 100m so I fail to see your point.

Don't get me wrong I agree that sub 100k numbers for the WiiU are incoming and I don't see it getting anywhere near Wii numbers life time. Best case scenario I think is SNES numbers (50m ish) and worst case GC (20m ish)


agreed, like I said in a previous post. In 2001/02 people genrally have more cash to burn so I'm not suprise the consoles from that gen release so well


Yeah, the market is vastly different today than back then, and it doesn't really seem as if Nintendo knows how to appeal to this market...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

runqvist said:
johnsobas said:
runqvist said:
So even the 20 million sold gamecube had a better launch than Wii U. That is pretty bad. It won't be long before those sub 100k numbers show up.

um, that 20 million sold gamecube sold more than the wii.  

It did not sell more worldwide, as far as I know.

we don't really know that.  We know the GC sold more in the US, and we know the wii outsold the GC by around 60k in japan launch week.  They both didn't sell well in Europe anyway.  There's hardly a significant difference to be bragging about.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

These grafts continue to show that WiiU's launch and continuing sales really isn't any worse (and in fact is far better) than PS3/360's.

My concern is 360/PS3 were high-tech systems that cost a lot initially (and still aren't cheap!) but because of that enjoyed the longest console life (without replacement) we've ever seen. WiiU will quickly become outdated tech-wise. Likely even by Android powered devices within the next couple years.


According to MC the WiiU is at 20k this week and below the PS3.

It's also below what the PS3 did for the same week in January 2006, when it was mega expensive...

This could get ugly for the WiiU.

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Yeah, Nintendo is really fucking up the Wii U. They might have launched it too early... Except for NSMBU they don't have any system seller, and they really need to show what the system is capable of; right now it's only as good as PS360...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

updates please!

New version of the cumulative Media Create graph with the 3DS added, updated to this weeks Wii U numbers.


Whats that chart? First 6 weeks launches aligned?

retroking1981 said:
Whats that chart? First 6 weeks launches aligned?

