retroking1981 said:
GC also had a better launch than the Wii which will end at over 100m so I fail to see your point. Don't get me wrong I agree that sub 100k numbers for the WiiU are incoming and I don't see it getting anywhere near Wii numbers life time. Best case scenario I think is SNES numbers (50m ish) and worst case GC (20m ish) @DanneSandin agreed, like I said in a previous post. In 2001/02 people genrally have more cash to burn so I'm not suprise the consoles from that gen release so well
Yeah, the market is vastly different today than back then, and it doesn't really seem as if Nintendo knows how to appeal to this market...
I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!
Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.