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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii u completely in stock at gamestop

beatles1082 said:
osed125 said:

You don't have to quit the game, you have to pause. Do you expect playing videos on youtube without pausing the game? Good luck getting killed while you do that.

With the wii u you don't have to pause the game, pressing the home button basically freezes the screen in effect pausing the game (and allowing you to capture the screenshot for miiverse posting)

Yeah I know but it's basically the same as pausing :p

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leo-j said:

do you have to pause the game to do that?

And that's why I said nexgen,  because the vita can do that too

Why would you want to do that?

Multi-tasking in a desktop environment is critically important, has some value with mobile devices like a tablet or a phone, but I don't see the use-case for a videogame console.


I'm of the opinion that unless 1/4 of users are using a feature (about) 1/4 of the time a feature isn't that important, and if it is used by less than 10% of people less than 10% of the time it can be safely ignored. Time will tell but (for a videogame console) I think multi-tasking can safely be ignored.

I will be very likely to multitask on the wii u only if the OS is improved, it's INSANELY slow...

I have used the browser for YouTube a bunch so far, it's pretty great especially with the curtain pull back feature (what you're looking at on the gamepad isn't revealed on the tv screen until you choose) is great if you're looking at YouTube with friends.

btw youtube on the browser is way better than the youtube app.

osed125 said:
archbrix said:
osed125 said:

Yes the Vita can do it, but the web browser is pretty bad imo. The Wii U browser is extremely fast (only Google Chrome and Firebox beats it imo).

Yeah, it's too bad that Vgchartz has its limitations on the WiiU browser in that your forum Buddy doesn't display and quoting someone doesn't display correctly.  Also, while Youtube works incredibly well, YT vids that have been posted elsewhere often don't display.  Hopefully an update will rectify these minor annoyances because for most intents and purposes the browser is excellent and remarkably fast.

I heard that too, but wasn't that the youtube app? I thought the Wii U browser displayed youtube perfectly just like a computer or tablet.

It does display Youtube, flawlessly.  What I mean is, for example, if someone posts a YT video here on Vgchartz via the html function, the video doesn't appear on the WiiU browser; it just shows a blank space as if there was no post.

Watching videos on Youtube itself looks great though, and like @beatles1082 said, Youtube on the browser is FAR better than the Youtube app.  I absolutely detest the Youtube apps on both WiiU and PS3... they're an absolute nightmare to navigate, IMO.

Vita has a good browser too, but it's irrelevant to my point because I don't use it in conjunction with my TV like I do with the Wii U.

Yesterday I turned on my TV, switched the input, was watching the basketball game, while casually browsing the internet on the Wii U tablet. I played a little Mario during half-time of the basketball game. My friend came over and reccomended a Youtube video and with a quick few taps, we were watching it on the big screen laughing our asses off.

*That* is where I do feel the Wii U controller is different in it changes the relationship with the TV and game console. I'm not sure if its enough to sell people on a $350 piece of hardware, but I think honestly this is the console's most standout feature aside from the obvious "it plays Nintendo games".

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Only two times in history have I not been able to go into a store and pick up a new console near launch: The PS2 and the Wii. That's it.

Aside from those two examples, stock has always been readily available. Looking at this thread, one would think that, unless you match the success of the two best selling home consoles of all time, your device is a failure.

leo-j said:
osed125 said:
leo-j said:
Soundwave said:
The gamepad is a neat addition, but I don't think it's a game changer the way the Wiimote was.

This is kinda like Sony trying to woo Wii owners with Playstation Move ... hey it's more accurate than the Wiimote! Yeah, that's true ... who really cares.

The biggest thing the gamepad brings to me really is the web browsing/Youtube/remote control stuff, to me that stuff does stand out from any console out there, because I don't use my 360 pad to turn on my TV, that's for sure.

I'm sure nexgen will allow advanced multi tasking which would allow you to pull up a youtube video while playing a game..

You can do that with the Wii U.

do you have to pause the game to do that?

And that's why I said nexgen,  because the vita can do that too

Do you even have a Vita?  I ask this because I have a Vita and, at least with my Vita, I'm forced to close a game to open up the youtube app.  The Vita web browser doesn't support youtube.

Currently, to watch youtube on a Vita, you have to close the game that you are playing.

it's weird because when you open up youtube in the Wii U browser it says you need flash to play the videos on the site yet they still work.

Im not sure if anyone said this yet, but Nintendo is doing pulse shipments instead of burst shipments (I think i just made those terms up). Anyways, this means that they are doing a bunch of smaller shipments as opposed to one giant shipment every once in a while. This means that it will be easier to find the wii u in stock than the wii because once the wii was out, the next shipment didn't come for a while which created a supply/demand funnel. The way it is now eliminates that funnel and therefore creates less of a frenzied environment and allows people to pick it up when they want to.

We will see what effect this has on sales, until then, this data is useless

true story... I went to three different stores that carry the wii u today... two were sold out... walmart had 2 basic sets just sitting there... true story.