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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 UP YOY in USA with NO big exclusives. What gives?


Why was the PS3 up YOY in USA during BF week?

Great bundle deals and discounts 198 45.41%
New exclusive games (All ... 21 4.82%
More PS3 advertising 15 3.44%
A combination of multiple factors 136 31.19%
Other 16 3.67%
See results 48 11.01%
kowenicki said:

Why? It was way behind its competitor last year and its way behind its competitor this year.  Yes it's up, which is good, but it's relatively still pretty bad? Isn't it? 

Just because it's not number 1 doesn't mean it's not good. LOL

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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Maybe the super slim and the lack of a price cut from MS?

The 360 had $50 off and some extremely good bundles.  They weren't everywhere, though, I don't think, so maybe that was a factor.  I was planning to buy a 360 this year because I knew the $50 rebates would be back but then that Vita bundle and a new Kindle Paperwhite captivated me and stole all my willpower.

But I halfway think people have gotten used to seeing rebates on the 360, so it's not as immediately tempting as when they see a deal on the PS3.  Sony moves their price around a lot of less than Microsoft.  This kind of caught my eye when I was reading about current console deals on a gaming website with a picture that showed a $199 360 bundle and a $199 PS3 bundle.  The writer and people in the comments were really focused on the PS3 bundle even though they were probably equal values.  I think it was mostly a difference in perception, just because no one is used to seeing a PS3 at that price, so it really catches the eye.

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
It has a lot of exclusives so I'd think people would buy it and then buy exclusives they've missed. Multiplatform will of course help too

But it had most of the big exclusives last year too. Why did it sell more this year? Do you think it was PS All Stars??

maybe Im not understanding the question.  Are you talking about the entire year or just the holidays?

And no lol

Bundles have been good this year and gaming is growing over all.  Multi console owners may buy the ps3 for exclusives theyve missed.  I dont think anybody is going to have an answer for you to be honest.  Its good to see the PS3/X360 do good during the holidays but I dont think anybody can pinpoint to why they sell to just one thing.  It'll be multiple things that helps.  

On a side note what came out last year?  Im thinking Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet 2 came out early last year, Resistance 3 came out in september, and what else?  I can't remember.  Last year wasnt that great either if I can remember right but it was certainly better than this year.  It is weird to see it sell better but either way that's a good thing 


kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:

PS3 UP YOY in USA with NO big exclusives.

I don't know.

No me neither, still way behind the 360 after yet another re-design.  

Ps. Been drinking since 3.00pm so take everything is ay with a pitch of salt. 

Nobody expected the PS3, even with a redesign, to be ahead of the 360 in this region, did they? I sure hope not. This is just good news for the system.

Why? It was way behind its competitor last year and its way behind its competitor this year.  Yes it's up, which is good, but it's relatively still pretty bad? Isn't it? 

Business is business.  As long as they are profiting that is all that matters. 


kowenicki said:
I suppose before I get excited I'd like to know what the 360 did on the 24th on top of the numbers they quoted. For the 6 days. Then we can compare like with like. Guessing that there will be a gap of 300k minimum?

With the new Sony numbers the gap for the BF week seems more like 150k than 300k.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying it. You are a fair weather poster. It's fine, I understand, but at least admit it. 

What does this have to do with anything?

pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
It has a lot of exclusives so I'd think people would buy it and then buy exclusives they've missed. Multiplatform will of course help too

But it had most of the big exclusives last year too. Why did it sell more this year? Do you think it was PS All Stars??

maybe Im not understanding the question.  Are you talking about the entire year or just the holidays?

And no lol

Bundles have been good this year and gaming is growing over all.  Multi console owners may buy the ps3 for exclusives theyve missed.  I dont think anybody is going to have an answer for you to be honest.  Its good to see the PS3/X360 do good during the holidays but I dont think anybody can pinpoint to why they sell to just one thing.  It'll be multiple things that helps.  

On a side note what came out last year?  Im thinking Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet 2 came out early last year, Resistance 3 came out in september, and what else?  I can't remember.  Last year wasnt that great either if I can remember right but it was certainly better than this year.  It is weird to see it sell better but either way that's a good thing 

Uncharted 3 came out late last year. Also R&C: A4O (but that's not a big seller).

Couldn't remember if I was right on that or not.  It feels like it has been so long since I've played those games.  Yeah I'd say multiple things on this one then.  


kowenicki said:

Why? It was way behind its competitor last year and its way behind its competitor this year.  Yes it's up, which is good, but it's relatively still pretty bad? Isn't it? 

Cut the garbage, kow. Its up YoY in its 6th Year. Its finally bringing in good profit. How isnt this a good thing? Really? Because the 360 outsold it in AMERICA?

Youve been cheerleading WP8 / Nokia doing really well over the last few Weeks, despite it getting DESTROYED by Android/iOS...

OT : Its finally hitting mass market price-points. Its had a redesign. Its got a fantastic library with free online gaming. Its got Blu-ray.

It really is a fantastic piece of hardware.


Gap this year seems to be around 150k. What was it last year?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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it's gotta be the new slim effect I guess...