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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Maybe the super slim and the lack of a price cut from MS?

The 360 had $50 off and some extremely good bundles.  They weren't everywhere, though, I don't think, so maybe that was a factor.  I was planning to buy a 360 this year because I knew the $50 rebates would be back but then that Vita bundle and a new Kindle Paperwhite captivated me and stole all my willpower.

But I halfway think people have gotten used to seeing rebates on the 360, so it's not as immediately tempting as when they see a deal on the PS3.  Sony moves their price around a lot of less than Microsoft.  This kind of caught my eye when I was reading about current console deals on a gaming website with a picture that showed a $199 360 bundle and a $199 PS3 bundle.  The writer and people in the comments were really focused on the PS3 bundle even though they were probably equal values.  I think it was mostly a difference in perception, just because no one is used to seeing a PS3 at that price, so it really catches the eye.