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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA hates Ps3 confirmed. Edited AC3 sales (my bad :)

sales2099 said:
VGKing said:
sales2099 said:
ps3-sales! said:

Okay. An easy 360 win and obviously Call of Duty is more popular on the 360. Not really surprising. HOWEVER.

360 Assassin's Creed 3 - 126K
Ps3 Assassin's Creed 3 - 105K

Um. Another popular franchise recently released, yet somehow the 360 (with double install base) can't manage to outsell the Ps3 version? Awkwarddd.
There are plenty more examples but you get the point.

Someone please shed some light on this dire and confusing mess!!!!

Halo 4 outsold all PS3 2012 exclusives thats awkward :P

At least PS3 had exclusives to pick from.(despite this being a pretty weak year)

Which Xbox 360 exclusives did you buy this year?

360 actually also has more game not available on PS3 then vise ya.....

Waiting for Ratchet and Clank to be reviewed and my 2012 list will be complete.

I'd love a list. Don't include any Kinect stuff or XBLA games. We're talking pure boxed products.

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The world hates the 360 and PS3, just look at those 3DS figures.

Why did the PS3 version of AC3 outsell the 360 version by 21k units? I think it can be attributed to simple logistics. 360 owners wallets might be more "fatigued" then PS3 owners wallets at the moment. Halo 4 and COD:BO2 were released within 7 days of each other. Yet they BOTH sold millions. Yet AC3 sold decent on 360 despite the intense competition within the console. Sometimes people have to prioritize.

Xbox brand appeals to English culture gamers, but it doesn't sell well in other cultures.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

It's because Americans are can be dumb elitists, thinking that the 360 is 20x better with p2p online when really it's the same.

I know this seems harsh, but this is actually how it is where I live so I suppose the rest of America thinks similarly, which is bizonkers!


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Sony sells more around the world because the rest of the world is behind the times.

MaulerX said:
Why did the PS3 version of AC3 outsell the 360 version by 21k units? I think it can be attributed to simple logistics. 360 owners wallets might be more "fatigued" then PS3 owners wallets at the moment. Halo 4 and COD:BO2 were released within 7 days of each other. Yet they BOTH sold millions. Yet AC3 sold decent on 360 despite the intense competition within the console. Sometimes people have to prioritize.

It's because there is a PS3 bundlel with Assassin's Creed 3 and 500gig HDD. Plus there's the exclusive missions it has and it being marketed as a PS3 exclusive.
You'd be surprised how many people buy multiple games and build up a backlog.

This thread is just going to be a trouble magnet. Shutting down.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.