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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ruh-Roh ... GameSpot Gives ZombiU A 4.5?

Looks great from the video, can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.

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RolStoppable said:
The Gamespot reviewer probably didn't like it, because the A, B, X, Y buttons were in the wrong place on the controller. It must have been hard for him to play the game at all.

Sometimes I can't tell how serious you are being. Then I realize that regardless of your seriousness, you're probably right. Then I get sad.

Love and tolerate.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
I expected this. the graphics suck, and the gameplay did not look like anything revolutionary. And having to watch the damn controller screen instead of the TV is annoying.

Graphics aren't everything.

Gameplay doesn't have to revolutionary to be awesome (check your avatar).

Watching the controller while you're being hunted by zombies is the point. It's supposed to be annoying, unnerving, and disorienting.

Well, considering the fact that when you play a game you want to have fun, there is your reason for the score.

Surely you've played Silent Hill or Resident Evil 2? Or Doom 3 or BioShock? Or Eternal Darkness or Dead Space? Or one of dozens of horror games designed to disorient, disturb, frustrate, and frighten? I totally understand if you don't like the sub-genre, but it's not fair to say that a game that handicaps its users to create a frightful experience automatically deserves a low score.

In none of those games I felt annoyed, unnerved or disoriented.     Maybe intrigued or clueless, of what should I do at a certain moment; but defenitely not annoyed nor angry or disoriented.   I have had lots of fun in those games.   Sub-genre games, are still games and their main purpose is to bring fun.

OK I guess I have to take your word on that. As for me, I get scared and anxious playing scary games. I think that's the point of them. Maybe we should just agree to disagree, because I don't think we're making much forward progress here.

Yeah, we agree to disagree, but still, let me ask you something kind of "off-topic"; how can you be scared of something you know is not real?  It really intrigues me.   I mean, you may be surprised of certain event, but to be scared?  As a child sure, most "scary" things are scary, but when you grow up and  you realize that stuff is not real; every game and movie that attempts to be scary it just something funny, that can surprise you sometimes or maybe end up being a bit repulsive depending on how they are pretending to cause fear. At least for me that is.

No. if i am not mistaken, they were mad about the controls. They could not figured out how the motions plus works in SS. For that reason they give a 6. Then other reviews start to pop out, and they realize they were wrong with the controls. They were the one using it wrong. Then they change the score. My point is they just play the game with close mind, meaning they were prepared to give thte game a bad score before even try it. It is like when i dont want to go to schoool, i dont care what it in the school i am not going to enjoy it or whatever.

kanageddaamen said:
Yeah, it was a pretty awful review. The guy seems to be looking for "Call of Duty: Zombies"

The last line sums it up nicely:

"ZombiU could have been an enjoyable action game..."

If it was an action game and not a survival horror game. Also, some things don't make sense "corridors are tight, making it hard to run away, and zombies have no trouble keeping up with you" and then "Zombies pose no real threat" Huh?

I am still picking it up


Why did I just waste my time watching this review? It was pretty painful to watch. 

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Repetition is always a terrible thing for any new IP, look at AC 1. 6-7 is probably more representative of what this game will be if that is the case, 4.5 is pretty ridiculous in this day and age where everything is 8+ or else it's considered a failure.

Well, chalk up yet another third party failure on a Nintendo console. If I was Nintendo at this point, I would simply give up on third parties, expand my company to create more games, and buy out more 2nd party studios. At the very least, they need to return to the tight quality standard they had in the NES days, where companies were limited to the amount of games they released for the console and Nintendo had to oversee production closely to make sure it was up to the standard.

Though I'm curious to know what their exact beef with this game is.. I mean, I've seen extensive footage of it, and there doesn't look like there is anything particularly wrong that jumps out at you. Looks fun and innovative, graphics have gotten much prettier, controls don't seem to be an issue. Seems like they really nailed the survival horror formula, far more than Resident Evil does nowadays..

I smell bias.

Hilarity ensues on Gamespot forums. Dying.

Quoted: Are you guys kidding me? Do you think this review is real? This is some phoney review set up by a fictitious poster. m.gamespot? Shame on you and shame on Gamefaqs for not deleting this libelous topic. Go to official site. There is NO Zombi U review at all. I mean, really guys? You are sucked into this?


Having watched the review I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the game, it's just extremely boring and predictable. A 4.5 sounds harsh but that's only because of inflated review scores nowadays. I don't see many people having much fun with ZombiU and that's ultimately the most important for a game.

Metallicube said:
Well, chalk up yet another third party failure on a Nintendo console. If I was Nintendo at this point, I would simply give up on third parties, expand my company to create more games, and buy out more 2nd party studios. At the very least, they need to return to the tight quality standard they had in the NES days, where companies were limited to the amount of games they released for the console and Nintendo had to oversee production closely to make sure it was up to the standard.

Though I'm curious to know what their exact beef with this game is.. I mean, I've seen extensive footage of it, and there doesn't look like there is anything particularly wrong that jumps out at you. Looks fun and innovative, graphics have gotten much prettier, controls don't seem to be an issue. Seems like they really nailed the survival horror formula, far more than Resident Evil does nowadays..

I smell bias.

I agree, that should be one of their priorities.

Are they doing anything about it?