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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global up! (Includes new adjustments)

Barozi said:

360: -293,492
PS3: -279,129
Wii:    -60,543
3DS: -209,859
PSV:      -4,049
DS:     +36,666
PSP:        +/- 0

Is this overall, Barozi? How do we explain the difference?

Around the Network

Nice! With those adjustments my prediction that 3DS would remain on top with Animal Crossing became true. Looks like Animal Crossing was a bigger system seller (Japan) than Halo and CoD titles (mainly due to respected ages of consoles and the majority of people that purchased Halo or CoD just bought the game).

OT: That's some crazy downward adjustments. Nearly 100k from 360; 60k from PS3.

A load of Sony first-party games got adjusted down this week too by anywhere from 5-15k.

Oh well. Good week for cleaning up the numbers, at least!

Kresnik said:
Barozi said:

360: -293,492
PS3: -279,129
Wii:    -60,543
3DS: -209,859
PSV:      -4,049
DS:     +36,666
PSP:        +/- 0

Don't you be editing my thread title with such obtrusive capital letters and spaces before exclamation marks, young man.

I'm sorry :'(

I just know that usually no one cares to check the recent posts when the week is almost over.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Barozi said:

360: -293,492
PS3: -279,129
Wii:    -60,543
3DS: -209,859
PSV:      -4,049
DS:     +36,666
PSP:        +/- 0

Is this overall, Barozi? How do we explain the difference?

I haven't really checked, but it's definitely more than just one week.
Could be the reaction of the lower NPD data.

Around the Network

Damn, combined over 1 million units less in adjustments.

Barozi said:

360: -293,492
PS3: -279,129
Wii:    -60,543
3DS: -209,859
PSV:      -4,049
DS:     +36,666
PSP:        +/- 0

Holy adjustments, Batman. Is the DS still considered to be undertracked now?

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

kowenicki said:
Barozi said:

360: -293,492
PS3: -279,129
Wii:    -60,543
3DS: -209,859
PSV:      -4,049
DS:     +36,666
PSP:        +/- 0

This is a reaction to NPD presumably?

But hang on... PSV?

So PSV still has more sold than shipped as of the last numbers at end of June.  2.4m here v 2.2m shipped. 

About overall huge adjustments down: ZOMFG!

About PSV: Mark 8:1-9   

pezus said:

Da fuq. Now my 10 week countdown prediction will be completely off. Looks like both Europe and NA took a hit

Edit: And despite all adjustment for GT5

Yes, GT5 should be adjusted, but maybe VGC will wait until after Xmas, more weeks to examine, the numbers of other trackers along a longer period too and the help of PD official numbers could help ioi tweaking the parameters in his estimation model.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Why were Vgchartz so unaccurate?

I think these numbers were obvious to go down. Nice to see the DS above the Vita though, and I'm sure there's still far more adjustments in the down direction for the Vita to come...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.