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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

I got my PS3 for Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and Gran Turismo.

Two of those are now mutli platform and GT isn't really a significant standout from the GRID, Shift and Forza games compared to the PS2 days.

Overall Sonys strong 1st and 2nd party games (KZ, Uncharted, LBP. GOW, GT, Pixeljunk etc) will make me buy a PS4 but how to market that to the masses is a real question.

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Ucell said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Everybody wants to predict how well the PS4/ NeXbox and the WiiU will sell, however people has left out important info on why they think each will sell well.  So here is my question, what does Sony have that will make the PS4 sell well.  Microsoft has Halo and Gears which are both system sellers to a mass amount of people and on top of that the XBOX brand is higher than ever in America, as well as Nintendo having Mario, DK, Zelda, and this list never ends.  Sony has a ton of franchises but does any of them really have that mass appeal that people will just blindly go in and buy the system right off of the bat for a high price?  The two biggest franchises that they have is Uncharted ,God of War, and Gran Turismo, but are they big enough?  

Explain your answers and try not argueing.


Serious question.  Uncharted and God of War are both possibly ending and neither one are 10 million + sellers.  Which leaves it up to gran turismo.

Since you are considering a single game, well then even Gears and Halo are no 10 million+ sellers, proven by both Gears 3 and Halo 4.

You have no clue what your talking about as you have proven to me before.  Gran Turismo is Sonys big IP.  Halo 3 Has sols well above 0 million.  Halo 4 just came out and has already sold 4 million in 1 week.  Halo reach has also sold 9 million.  So before talking about stuff learn what you are talking about.  God of War is not even as big as gears and uncharted so go ahead and stop there.  


Ucell said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

God of War is actually bigger than Uncharted. God of War 3 sold over 5 million units, accorfing to an official report by Sony, as of June 30, 2012.[]=God+of+War+III+%28PS3%29+[12533]&game[]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=&game[]=


Even if God of War III is undertracked by as much as 600-700,000 units it still isn't as popular as Uncharted 3.

bouzane said:
Ucell said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

God of War is actually bigger than Uncharted. God of War 3 sold over 5 million units, accorfing to an official report by Sony, as of June 30, 2012.[]=God+of+War+III+%28PS3%29+[12533]&game[]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=&game[]=


Even if God of War III is undertracked by as much as 600-700,000 units it still isn't as popular as Uncharted 3.

Just ignore Ucell.  He was going on some rant not long ago about the same thing.  

It goes like this for the top 3 franchises


Gran Turismo-10m+ seller
Uncharted 4-6m Seller
God of War 3-5m seller


Halo 10m+ seller
Gears of War 4-6m seller
Forza 3-5m seller

I might as well put in the OP that I forgot about gran turismo because that was the answer I was looking for.


JayWood2010 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

lol I had my answer in the very first comment haha  I forgot about GT.  I tend to forget about GT because I did not like GT5 at all.

Regardless I'm still calling a flop on PS All Stars.  metacritic of 75-82 is my guess.  Laast of Us will be amazing though :)

If Allstars flops its because of marketing, because the beta is actually is more players and the game would just be sickeningly fun beyond the six that were playable. I will be getting that this holiday season. Blops and Halo 4 will be a great market shifter for Microsoft even though the majority are satisfied, but 2013 belongs to Sony. Wall to wall exclusives. When we see how those exclusives do and shift consoles, we'll know how we'll they will do next gen.

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Does sony have a game that will sell consoles out of the gate. Serious question?

Well here we go again

Gran Turismo nearly as big as Halo ( Gran Turismo as a launch title means Europe is Sony Land )
Uncharted nearly as big than gears
God of War nearly as big as Uncharted

plus many many middly succesfull ips like Killzone, Infamous, Little Big Planet, heavy Rain
plus there indie games (Journey)

plus many new ips that can get really bigif everything worked ( The LAST OF US)

Need to say more.

JayWood2010 said:
bouzane said:
Ucell said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

God of War is actually bigger than Uncharted. God of War 3 sold over 5 million units, accorfing to an official report by Sony, as of June 30, 2012.[]=God+of+War+III+%28PS3%29+[12533]&game[]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=&game[]=


Even if God of War III is undertracked by as much as 600-700,000 units it still isn't as popular as Uncharted 3.

Just ignore Ucell.  He was going on some rant not long ago about the same thing.  

It goes like this for the top 3 franchises


Gran Turismo-10m+ seller
Uncharted 4-6m Seller
God of War 3-5m seller


Halo 10m+ seller
Gears of War 4-6m seller
Forza 3-5m seller

I might as well put in the OP that I forgot about gran turismo because that was the answer I was looking for.

Actually, God of War is a 4-5m selling franchise, while Forza is a 1-5m selling franchise.

a game called "cheap launch price" will garantee its success

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I think it needs to be said that next gen systems, and any hardware launch here after should come with one game standard. Ala WiiSports. it only makes sense that when people buy a product they want to be able to use it WITHOUT shelling out more money right then and there. This is the brilliance NIN had when they bundled every system with the game. Same goes for Wii Fit and Kinect Sports. This is probably a key reason why Move didn't do so well. It should have come with Sports Champions at no extra fee (blew my mind they charged FULL PRICE for SC as well).

I don't fully know what the PS4 will have in store for us as far as functionality goes but it should come with a game that shows off all of it's best parts. I also thought Little Deviants should have come free with every Vita, would not pay for it but would jump at buying a system when it comes with a free game.

PS. Rumors are saying that PS4 will have ability to cascade multiple things. For instance you can open the store as well as the internet while still playing a game. The aesthetics of the console are very similar to the new PS Store design. Strong possibility it will not be called 4, rather Orbis is it's legit name. Can supposedly do fluid 1080p without a hitch as well as 3D standard.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

lol I had my answer in the very first comment haha  I forgot about GT.  I tend to forget about GT because I did not like GT5 at all.

Regardless I'm still calling a flop on PS All Stars.  metacritic of 75-82 is my guess.  Laast of Us will be amazing though :)

If Allstars flops its because of marketing, because the beta is actually is more players and the game would just be sickeningly fun beyond the six that were playable. I will be getting that this holiday season. Blops and Halo 4 will be a great market shifter for Microsoft even though the majority are satisfied, but 2013 belongs to Sony. Wall to wall exclusives. When we see how those exclusives do and shift consoles, we'll know how we'll they will do next gen.

I've played the beta and both me and my friend thought it was really bad.  I'm calling between a 75-82 metacritic. Most likely around a 78.  As far as who sells more between 360 and ps3 I could care less.  I'd prefer both of them to do good.  Unfortunately sony has been losing too much money