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bouzane said:
Ucell said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's astonishing that we're on a site with all these numbers and people are still so ignorant.

GT5 will pass Reach eventually. There's only 700k separating the best selling Uncharted and Gears games. Sony has God of War and LittleBigPlanet, which are on equal footing with Forza and Fable.

But what else has Microsoft got? Crackdown had limited success, but I wouldn't be surprised if it never got a sequel. Everything Rare puts out these days is a flop. Alan Wake failed miserably.

Then you have Sony with multiple smaller successes. Heavy Rain, inFamous, Killzone, Ratchet. The Last of Us, PS All Stars and Beyond: Two Souls will surely be hits.

There's just no comparison.

God of War is actually bigger than Uncharted. God of War 3 sold over 5 million units, accorfing to an official report by Sony, as of June 30, 2012.[]=God+of+War+III+%28PS3%29+[12533]&game[]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=&game[]=


Even if God of War III is undertracked by as much as 600-700,000 units it still isn't as popular as Uncharted 3.

Just ignore Ucell.  He was going on some rant not long ago about the same thing.  

It goes like this for the top 3 franchises


Gran Turismo-10m+ seller
Uncharted 4-6m Seller
God of War 3-5m seller


Halo 10m+ seller
Gears of War 4-6m seller
Forza 3-5m seller

I might as well put in the OP that I forgot about gran turismo because that was the answer I was looking for.