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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Player2 said:
ganoncrotch said:
Player2 said:
S.Peelman said:

#7 - ?
This game defined a certain genre popular today, on home consoles.

Halo: Combat Evolved.

my guess on that'd be Goldeneye really.

Yeah, it's probably Goldeneye given the amount of games published on Nintendo systems in his list and it did that. Halo was the one who popularized the genre.

It is indeed GoldenEye. I played Halo when it first came out, but sadly I thought it was very boring to be honest. You are right when you state the game made the FPS genre popular on consoles as they are today though. GoldenEye however, defined it as a genre for consoles.

Funny thing by the way, PC wins by number of entries in my list. But indeed, the further up you go, the more Nintendo games enter the list and if you'd combine them all, like 60% is Nintendo. PS1 and DC however are also well represented. With PS3 and the 2600 filling in the gaps .

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ganoncrotch said:
Player2 said:
S.Peelman said:

#7 - ?
This game defined a certain genre popular today, on home consoles.

Halo: Combat Evolved.

my guess on that'd be Goldeneye really.

GoldenEye is correct!


Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

9) Portal 2 (PC/PS3) - I found the original enjoyable but i was not as much as on the hype train on the whole portal thing until i saw what portal 2 had to offer. An amazing really well paced single player campaign. The game had geniune laughs and it just felt great solving a puzzle as i don't usually play a lot of traditional puzzle games. The addition of coop was great and its fun to mess around. If you get it on pc you also get never ending supply of really good free dlc. Must keep testing. 

08) Uncharted 3 (PS3) - Probably my most hyped game this generation and it surely deliverd. The campaign is full of adventure and probably the best and most mature story yet in the Uncharted universe. The actions of the hero are questioned in this one and the motivation of his never ending desire is somewhat revealed. Really fun coop mode and multiplayer make it a no brainer on my top 10 list. 


07) Thy next foe is...

06) Last gen action rpg set in the mythical setting inspired by China. 

05) Sequel to the genre defining game of this generation. Changed the way multiplayer is played by millions. Liked and hated by many. 

green_sky said:

9) Portal 2 (PC/PS3) - I found the original enjoyable but i was not as much as on the hype train on the whole portal thing until i saw what portal 2 had to offer. An amazing really well paced single player campaign. The game had geniune laughs and it just felt great solving a puzzle as i don't usually play a lot of traditional puzzle games. The addition of coop was great and its fun to mess around. If you get it on pc you also get never ending supply of really good free dlc. Must keep testing. 

08) Uncharted 3 (PS3) - Probably my most hyped game this generation and it surely deliverd. The campaign is full of adventure and probably the best and most mature story yet in the Uncharted universe. The actions of the hero are questioned in this one and the motivation of his never ending desire is somewhat revealed. Really fun coop mode and multiplayer make it a no brainer on my top 10 list. 


07) Thy next foe is...

06) Last gen action rpg set in the mythical setting inspired by China. 

05) Sequel to the genre defining game of this generation. Changed the way multiplayer is played by millions. Liked and hated by many. 

6: Jade Empire

5: Modern Warfare 2

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
green_sky said:

9) Portal 2 (PC/PS3) - I found the original enjoyable but i was not as much as on the hype train on the whole portal thing until i saw what portal 2 had to offer. An amazing really well paced single player campaign. The game had geniune laughs and it just felt great solving a puzzle as i don't usually play a lot of traditional puzzle games. The addition of coop was great and its fun to mess around. If you get it on pc you also get never ending supply of really good free dlc. Must keep testing. 

08) Uncharted 3 (PS3) - Probably my most hyped game this generation and it surely deliverd. The campaign is full of adventure and probably the best and most mature story yet in the Uncharted universe. The actions of the hero are questioned in this one and the motivation of his never ending desire is somewhat revealed. Really fun coop mode and multiplayer make it a no brainer on my top 10 list. 


07) Thy next foe is...

06) Last gen action rpg set in the mythical setting inspired by China. 

05) Sequel to the genre defining game of this generation. Changed the way multiplayer is played by millions. Liked and hated by many. 

7th is Shadow of the Colossus?

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Michael-5 said:
Cheddarchet said:

And my game for today is...

#7. Guild Wars (PC)!

Seriously, such an amazing game back in the day. Actually, I think this game has my highest playtime out of any other I've ever played. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, to be honest, but there was so much to do! I could never stop exploring the world whenever I played this game, and collecting all the skills to make different builds was a lot of fun, too. That said, don't know if I'll ever play number two. It looks really good, but I sunk A Lot of time into this, and there's a noticeable drop in my grades back in high school and middle school when I was playing this... -_-;

#6 Hint: Famous RPG series makes its only outing on the GC.

Baten Kaitos or Baten Kaitos Origins.

It's a shame most people haven't played these games. Really excellent and unique work.

P.S. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles saw sequels on the DS, and Tales of Symphonia is available on PS2 in Japan. Baten Kaitos is the only truely Gamecube exclusive RPG.

Never said it was exclusive to the GC. ;) Also, Baten Kaitos already appeared on my list at number twenty.

Anyway, Player2 got it!


As guessed by Player2, the number six slot on my list goes to...

6. Tales of Symphonia (GC)!

To this day, I'll always be glad I stumbled across the attractive boxart of this game in a random trip to Best Buy, or I may never have gotten into this wonderful series. And what an introduction it was! There was such a vast world to explore, and the story was captivating, as was tinkering around in all the sidequests the game had to offer. The characters of the game were wonderful, too, and there was no in the cast I didn't feel at least some sympathy for by the end of the trip. My only regret is that the first disc got scratched literally right after I beat it for the first time and restarted my newgame+... Too cruel, right?? Ahh, I'll get a new copy of it eventually.


#06 - Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

As guessed by no-one (wow you guys, wow.  I offer up a clue for 90% of the posters here and none of you take it!  Psh... :P)

Anyway, Super Mario Galaxy is a gem of a game and... brace yourself for this... the first 3D Mario game I have played!

Picking up my Wii on the back of the phenomenon that was Wii Sports and on the promise of Pikmin 3, I found myself at a bit of a loss of things to play for a while.  Then Mario came along and I thought "what better game to play than a 3D platformer from videogaming's mascot?".  And what a great purchase it was.

To keep it brief, SMG is just the perfect fusion of new ideas (all the gravity stuff) with some sublime 3D platforming and some really enjoyable minigames too.  Yes, some of them sucked, but none of them did anything to hurt the whole package.  I liked the original a lot better than the sequel for the inclusion of the hub world (which was a lot of fun to run around) and surprisingly, Rosalina's side story.  Yes, it was a bit of a downer, but I found it rather touching and grew to quite like heading to see her read more of her story to the lumas every day.

Of course, the game is absolutely beautiful and features a killer orchestral soundtrack, some incredible level design and really enjoyable boss fights.  Basically, it's the whole package.  I've loved 3D platformers since I begun gaming on the PS1 but SMG is up there with the best and most polished I've ever played.  If I ever had any doubts about buying Wii there were dispelled by this game alone.  Truly worth owning the console for, and a game I suspect I will return to many times in the future.

Clue for my #05 - Origin story for one half of a Playstation mascot duo, and widely regarded as the best entry in the series.