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As guessed by Player2, the number six slot on my list goes to...

6. Tales of Symphonia (GC)!

To this day, I'll always be glad I stumbled across the attractive boxart of this game in a random trip to Best Buy, or I may never have gotten into this wonderful series. And what an introduction it was! There was such a vast world to explore, and the story was captivating, as was tinkering around in all the sidequests the game had to offer. The characters of the game were wonderful, too, and there was no in the cast I didn't feel at least some sympathy for by the end of the trip. My only regret is that the first disc got scratched literally right after I beat it for the first time and restarted my newgame+... Too cruel, right?? Ahh, I'll get a new copy of it eventually.
