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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Am I the only one who most can't stand Nintendo games/consoles on this site???

ps3-sales! said:
sethnintendo said:
I am a 30 years old and I am not waiting for old 3rd party ports for the Wii U. I am waiting for Nintendo games on the Wii U and they already have 2 decent ones coming out at launch. If you liked the N64 and GCN then I don't see why you didn't like the Wii. The Wii was a platformer beast.

Well, maybe I wasn't very specific, but I do love the Wii. It was a new idea, which I can appreciate, and it had a lot of killer "hardcore" games! Twilight princess, both mario galaxys, Super Smash bros, ect. But when you leave the first party games, there was a wasteland of emptiness for the Wii.

Nintendo looks like they have learned from some of their mistakes for the Wii U, but still I was expecting a console more powerful than the current gen. I'd be very surprised if the Wii U has a game equal or above some of the best that the 360 (halo 4, gears 3) and the ps3 (uncharted 3, MGS4, Heavy Rain) have to offer visually speaking.

Again this thread was not meant to bash Nintendo. Maybe I should have worded it differently haha. I guess I'm just annoyed that Nintendo doesn't think much of the old school/core gamer. Then again, it's not like they really need to when you outsell the entire competition hahahaa.

I'd be considered an old school gamer, I quit console gaming before most people here were even born, Nintendo brought me back with Wii.

I grew up playing Pac-man, Donkey Kong, etc.  I still find that sort of old school game enjoyment on Wii.  Not so much on PS360 which I feel has abandoned old school gaming for movie-qesue experiences that I simply don't want.


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samuship said:
You're looking like a casual elitist, not a hardcore.

Hardcore doesn't mean "mature" and bloody games. For exemple, Pikmin can be a hardcore game, CoD can't.

I think every game can be hardcore. It's about how you approach those games.


@OP If you don't want Nintendo Land, get the ZombiU pack or sell NL or get the white bundle.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

sethnintendo said:
I am a 30 years old and I am not waiting for old 3rd party ports for the Wii U. I am waiting for Nintendo games on the Wii U and they already have 2 decent ones coming out at launch. If you liked the N64 and GCN then I don't see why you didn't like the Wii. The Wii was a platformer beast.

Exactly. Whoever knows me on this site, knows I side with Sony, but there is more then enough quality 3rd party content even on the Wii to justify its purchase, and then comes the stellar 1st party support. You are just hating on Nintendo. If you dont like the WiiU, don't buy it ( I wont, but thats because of financial constraint), easy as that

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

What are you talking about? Mario is about as hardcore and ruthless as it comes.

He does drugs (Shrooms), which causes him to believe he grows larger and exists in an alternate reality where he can travel though pipes, chill with Yoshis, eat flowers to gain fire abilities and ride on clouds while not hesitating to stomp on and squish poor defenseless turtles.

Yeah, the guys in CoD might kill stuff too, but they do it sober. Mario does it while he is getting high and halucinating.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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if you don't like Nintendo games then don't get it! very simple no Nintendo dos not care about Sony fans so they create games that mostly appeal to their fans!

its funny when people just label themselves as hardcore just to be "cool"

whatever, opens Halo 4 package!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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ps3-sales! said:

Nintendo looks like they have learned from some of their mistakes for the Wii U, but still I was expecting a console more powerful than the current gen. I'd be very surprised if the Wii U has a game equal or above some of the best that the 360 (halo 4, gears 3) and the ps3 (uncharted 3, MGS4, Heavy Rain) have to offer visually speaking.

You should check this thread. You may not understand everything but just check a couple of comments and you will have a decent surprise ;)

Off topic: this is my 1000th post :D

Nintendo and PC gamer

From your description of what constitutes a "hardcore game" I very much doubt you have ever owned a Wii or been a Nintendo fan in the slightest. What makes a first party Nintendo game any more "hardcore" than Mass Effect? What you personally enjoy is up to you, but it's ridiculous to suggest that because you don't like a certain type of game, it's "casual".

Combined with your sweeping generalisation of Nintendo fans, that makes a strong case for the locking of this thread, so I'll go ahead and do that.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective