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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

KylieDog said:
Carl2291 said:
As someone who only uses WiFi, this isnt a problem.

I can play FIFA, CoD, Halo, Uncharted, etc. online with no problems at all.

If you only use wifi you have no frame of reference to make such a statement like 'no problems at all'.  Probably think the input delay is the normal response.

Ive used an ethernet connection. Back when I used to play CoD4 for about 10 hours a day.

Im now using WiFi and I play just as well, if not better. Same goes for FIFA and Halo.


Around the Network
KylieDog said:
Carl2291 said:
As someone who only uses WiFi, this isnt a problem.

I can play FIFA, CoD, Halo, Uncharted, etc. online with no problems at all.

If you only use wifi you have no frame of reference to make such a statement like 'no problems at all'.  Probably think the input delay is the normal response.

I showed a picture of my Wi-Fi ping times.  Is 3ms really enough to break your gameplay experience?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

They just announced that Call o Duty Wii U won't have youtube streaming, guys...

I think this thread should die right now, this is much more serious news!

KylieDog said:

Because you're the only person in a game playing wirelessly?  It is more than ones persons connection that affects a game, when a console doesn't offer an ethernet port most people going to run wireless instead, is why online gaming on Wii was so terrible, everyone wireless 100% of the time. opposed to other consoles and the PC, where everyone uses their ethernet port. Of course.

Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guys.

I like VHS tapes, but I got over it.

Around the Network
KylieDog said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:

Because you're the only person in a game playing wirelessly?  It is more than ones persons connection that affects a game, when a console doesn't offer an ethernet port most people going to run wireless instead, is why online gaming on Wii was so terrible, everyone wireless 100% of the time. opposed to other consoles and the PC, where everyone uses their ethernet port. Of course. opposed to other consoles and PC where many people use ethernet because it is better and is a built in option, in many cases the only option.  Think all those people on consoles who want dedicated servers for games and the huge amount of PC who want them then go an do something like play over wifi, completely defeating the point?

So which is it kyledog. Is it "more than ones persons connection that affects a game" or just "many people('s)"? Much more importantly, do you have a single shred of evidence to suggest that the majority, or even an appreciable share, of people gaming online with their non-Wii consoles or PCs are doing so via their systems' ethernet ports?

KylieDog said:
Viper1 said:
KylieDog said:
Carl2291 said:
As someone who only uses WiFi, this isnt a problem.

I can play FIFA, CoD, Halo, Uncharted, etc. online with no problems at all.

If you only use wifi you have no frame of reference to make such a statement like 'no problems at all'.  Probably think the input delay is the normal response.

I showed a picture of my Wi-Fi ping times.  Is 3ms really enough to break your gameplay experience?

Because you're the only person in a game playing wirelessly?  It is more than ones persons connection that affects a game, when a console doesn't offer an ethernet port most people going to run wireless instead, is why online gaming on Wii was so terrible, everyone wireless 100% of the time.

I cannot believe people trying to downplay how much worse wifi is compared to ethernet.  It isn't opinion, it is fact.

Your connection is apparently not what is common,

Online gaming on Wii had problems but it wasn't because of Wi-Fi, it was because of the infrastructure.

And what most of us are trying to get you people to understand is that the difference in the experience between wired and wireless can be minimized with proper optimisations.   I already stated as much a few times in this thread (beamforming, MIMO, channel bonding, 3x3:3 arrays and more).   And your article agrees with me.  Read the whole thing.

You also need to break the article into 2 parts.  Bandwidth and latency.   A 30% reduction in bandwidth may have 0% effect on your online expereince (unless you already have a very slow speed).   If you get 8 Mb wired, 5.6 Mb using Wi-Fi won't alter your experience.   As for the latency.   If you normally get 1ms latency wired (I get 1 ms wireless from my laptop a room away from the router), a 20% increase (would be less than 2 ms) also will not alter yoru online experience.   For those figures to impact your experience, you have to already be near the minimum bandwidth and latency levels to see a difference.  Your controller latency and TV latency are likely greater than your Wi-Fi latency.

And that still ignores the fact that a dongle exists to enable a wired connection.  I don't hear PS3 users complainaing that Wi-Fi destroys their online experience.  And don't forget how pissed off a lot fo people were that MS didn't include Wi-Fi with the X360 from the begining.  AND their solution cost $99.   Rather than Nintendo's solution that is $15 on

Nobody is trying to say there is no difference.  What are trying to say is the difference can be nullified to the point that it has no impact on the experience.   And if you simply can't alter the set up well enough to reduce any problems, then pay the damn $15 for the dongle and be done with it.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Disappointing, ethernet port is a must because my wifi is shit.

Turkish said:
Disappointing, ethernet port is a must because my wifi is shit.

Buy the dongle.   $15 from Amazon.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

KylieDog said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:

Because you're the only person in a game playing wirelessly?  It is more than ones persons connection that affects a game, when a console doesn't offer an ethernet port most people going to run wireless instead, is why online gaming on Wii was so terrible, everyone wireless 100% of the time. opposed to other consoles and the PC, where everyone uses their ethernet port. Of course. opposed to other consoles and PC where many people use ethernet because it is better and is a built in option, in many cases the only option.  Think all those people on consoles who want dedicated servers for games and the huge amount of PC who want them then go an do something like play over wifi, completely defeating the point?

So which is it kyledog. Is it "more than ones persons connection that affects a game" or just "many people('s)"? Much more importantly, do you have a single shred of evidence to suggest that the majority, or even an appreciable share, of people gaming online with their non-Wii consoles or PCs are doing so via their systems' ethernet ports?


More than one persons/many people are the same...  why does this even need be explained?  English not first langauge?   Is a known and given fact that wifi in inferior to wifi for gaming, you're completely ignoring the link I posted a few posts up asking for evidence.  Though evidence shouldn't even be needed.  Another case of fans ignoring reality to defend a bad console decision.

Why yes, English is my first language. Which is why I know what "context" is, and how it applies to communication. Since you obviously don't,* when you said "more than one persons" (sic) you were referring to the idea that the players all or nearly all had to have wired connections, or else it becomes a laggy mess. At least, that's the only logical conclusion, since you made that post in response to someone telling you that their wireless connection worked just fine for gaming, thank you very much.

By contrast, when you said "many people [use ethernet because it's better blablabla]" it was in response to my pointing out that you have no evidence that everyone, or even the majority, of people playing online on other consoles/the PC do so via wired connections. In point of fact, I'm going to suggest that, this being the 21st century and all, a large amount, if not the majority, of people playing online (with their consoles, at least) do so via wi-fi. And that seems to work just fine. Apparently. I mean, I don't hear many complaints.

And since English is my first language, I know that the article you linked to has roughly zero to do with the conversation we're having. Or rather, it has roughly zero to do with the conversation that two English-speaking persons who have read the above transaction would understand as being the point of the conversation. I really have to ask, did you actually bother reading the article you linked?


On a completely unrelated note, has anyone stolen your 3DS yet? I remember you were so concerned that the Streetpass feature would mean that people would have their handhelds stolen more and stuff. Which was really very sweet of you.


*You do, you're just being deliberately obtuse to prove your...can I call it a point, really?