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KylieDog said:
noname2200 said:
KylieDog said:

Because you're the only person in a game playing wirelessly?  It is more than ones persons connection that affects a game, when a console doesn't offer an ethernet port most people going to run wireless instead, is why online gaming on Wii was so terrible, everyone wireless 100% of the time. opposed to other consoles and the PC, where everyone uses their ethernet port. Of course. opposed to other consoles and PC where many people use ethernet because it is better and is a built in option, in many cases the only option.  Think all those people on consoles who want dedicated servers for games and the huge amount of PC who want them then go an do something like play over wifi, completely defeating the point?

So which is it kyledog. Is it "more than ones persons connection that affects a game" or just "many people('s)"? Much more importantly, do you have a single shred of evidence to suggest that the majority, or even an appreciable share, of people gaming online with their non-Wii consoles or PCs are doing so via their systems' ethernet ports?